
Dude Whines About His Wife's Cooking So Brother-In-Law Serves Dinner With Toy Kitchen Set for Toddlers


“AITA for serving my sister's husband dinner using toy utensils?” —u/THROWAWAYBIL20223

“I told him if he wanted to act like a helpless child, then he might as well get treated like one.”

Redditors in the comments vote “everyone sucks here.”

Although most redditors thought OP's petty revenge was pretty hilarious, many pointed out that OP might have made the situation worse for his sister, therefore deciding that “everyone sucks” in this situation.

“Yeah I mean I agree that while it was DEFINIETLY well-deserved, it probably wasn't the smartest thing to do -- for OP, since he needs to make sure he still has a place to live, and for the sister for the reasons you said.” Added u/sarita_sy07. “Although from the post it does sounds like the sister also found it funny and wasn't mad at him for doing that ... who knows maybe sister is also reconsidering staying married to this sexist jerkwad.”

u/aanonnymoose commended OP, commenting, “if my brother stood up for me like this i would be so happy and so lucky to have him.”

“This is excellent advice.” Added u/JennIsFit. “I highly doubt the BIL would understand the symbolism behind the action. He sounds like he responds to anything negative with nothing but anger.”

“Fully agree. This may have been funny in the moment, but only added fuel to a fire (and will probably result in OP being kicked out and more stress for the sister.) The husband is a massive AH but it wasn't wise for OP to do what he did.” Said u/Electrical-Date-3951.

u/AceofSpadesYT agreed, "ESH But what you did was hilarious and he had it coming."

OP replied, “Ty dude.”

Read the original thread here.


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