School of Fail

Ted Talks Full of Both Wonder and Hope

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    Jane McGonigal Helps You Live a Longer and Richer Life

    And here's the kicker, she does this through games! That's right, where some would claim games are a silly waste of time, Jane McGonigal finds a way to use them to improve our very existence.
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    These Kids Can Play Some Serious Bluegrass

    See that kid on the banjo? Yeah, the little guy? He's 10. Ten! And, he can rock the banjo like that. How awesome is that?
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    Jill Bolte Taylor Heals Her Brain

    Jill Bolte Taylor is incredible, she's a neuroanatomist, and she brings hope to millions who have had strokes, and other debilitating neurological diseases. When she herself had a stroke she used her knowledge and training to understand how her brain was shutting down, and how to use this knowledge to increase it's function. Simply incredible.
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    Miguel Nicolelis Shows How Technology Can Be Controlled With Our Minds

    Amazingly, a very clever monkey demonstrated that it was able to control a mechanical limb with just impulses from it's brain, leading scientists to reimagine how the disabled are able to interact with technology.
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    Gary Greenberg Shows Us the Beauty in the Microscopic

    As humans we are often in awe of the grandiose; majestic mountains, towering sky scrapers, unending oceans, and vast canyons. But, this sense of wonder can be found just as easily in the minuscule, that is, if you know where to look.


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