Ad Hominem Attack
The evasion of the actual topic by directing an attack at your opponent.
Appeal to Authority
Where an assertion is deemed true because of the position or authority of the person asserting it.
Appeal to The Stone
Dismissing a claim as absurd without demonstrating proof for its absurdity.
Argument From Silence
Where the conclusion is based on the absence of evidence, rather than the existence of evidence.
Argument to Ignorance
Assuming that a claim is true because it has not been or cannot be proven false, or vice versa.
Bandwagon Argument
Where a proposition is claimed to be true or good solely because many people believe it to be so.
Circular Logic
When the reasoner begins with what he or she is trying to end up with; sometimes called assuming the conclusion.
Ergo Decedo
Where a critic's perceived affiliation is seen as the underlying reason for the criticism and the critic is asked to stay away from the issue altogether.
False Dichotomy
Two alternative statements are held to be the only possible options, when in reality there are more.
Call For Moderation
Assuming that the compromise between two positions is always correct.
Non Sequitur
An argument in which its conclusion does not follow from its premises.
Red Herring
A speaker attempts to distract an audience by deviating from the topic at hand by introducing a separate argument the speaker believes is easier to speak to.
Slippery Slope
Asserting that a relatively small first step inevitably leads to a chain of related events culminating in some significant impact/event that should not happen, thus the first step should not happen.
Straw Man Argument
An argument based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.
Historian's Fallacy
Occurs when one assumes that decision makers of the past viewed events from the same perspective and having the same information as those subsequently analyzing the decision.