
Cringey Bathroom Signs Roasted For Terrible Use of Gender Roles


We're all for roasting normie gender roles and the ignorance that goes with them. Bathrooms have come a long way in this regard. Many businesses are opting to make their restrooms all-gender, which is a move that should be normalized. But some businesses have been really slow to adopt this measure, and even seem to be doubling down on stereotypes. At least that's what we're learning thanks to a seriously cringey bathroom situation that has blown up (pun intended) on Twitter. The restrooms in question went viral thanks to a tweet from @utwitily, who suggests they'd rather soil themselves than use a bathroom so corny. 

Underneath the men's room (or gents, as they call it), appear the words “Do Epic Shit.” Underneath the “Ladies” room sign? “Smile you're losing weight.” While they're probably joking about pooping (epic shit, losing weight), defaulting to a weight loss reference for the women's room is pretty tacky. And people seem to agree. 

This user shared a similarly offensive example of bathroom gendering. 

Honestly, these responses alerted us to some disturbing truths about bathrooms that have nothing to do with gender roles. They just have to do with business owners being corny as hell. 




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