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Starbucks Employee Shares Every Time He Serves a Puppucino and Goes Adorably Viral


Turns out it isn't only sorority girls in Uggs and a scarf during Pumpkin Spice season who are obsessed with Starbucks—it's also a plethora of adorable animals. We say animals, because it's not just pups going through this window for puppucinos.


TikToker Graham aka @grahamgraham88 is a Starbucks employee. He says he absolutely loves working there, to the surprise of many people on TikTok, but his videos kind of explain why. TikTok usually is a place for Starbucks employees or ex-employees to go on and rant and expose the company of its terrible blunders. But Graham is just having too much of a good time at work. He might not be making enough to live in luxury, but he's getting his serotonin from something else at work—the adorable faces of excitement from the cutie animals that come by for puppucinos.


Smol & Big Pups—Even a Bunny


As I said, it's not just dogs he's serving a cup full of whipped cream too. In one of his videos he shows of a bunny rabbit being taken through the drive through to enjoy a puppucino. The dogs that come by go from itty bitty smol dogs to big old floppy-eared giant head babies—and they all go crazy for the diary sugar. If you didn't know, a puppucino is something you can get for your pet at Starbucks, usually free. It's not recommended for your pet to have a lot of them, but they're fine as a treat. And boy oh boy, does this Starbucks Employee love giving them out. 


So Many Good Ears

For Short Snoots


The series is just starting to blossom and Graham intends to share many more of his lovely critter customers. His viewers are amazing that he's a satisfied Starbucks employee, but are living for the workplace content. Some dogs will simply start lapping it up while Graham is still holding the cup, while others will go straight for the chomp and get a hold of the cup and all. Graham has even figured out how to serve the dogs whose snoots are too short to get in the usually puppucino cups by putting it in a paper oatmeal bowl for them—so every dog gets to enjoy it! These customers deserve these Starbucks treats even more than the human customers usually, let's be honest here. 


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