I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Tips On How To Attract And Protect The Wildlife In Your Garden

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    Create a "wild" part within your garden

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    Due to recent reports of plummeting numbers of hedgehogs, it is important to provide them with protection and care. If you happen to find a hedgehog in your garden, creating them a home among the foliage would be the best thing to do. To help leave certain parts of your garden "wild" form a pile of leaves and logs that they can use to nest in.

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    Look out for frozen ponds

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    Frogs usually create a home for themselves in the heaps of foliage, sometimes under objects in the garden or even at the bottom of a pond. They can take care of themselves without much assistance but if you notice your pond has frozen over during the winter, you should investigate where the frogs have taken refuge. 

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    Be cautious of pesticides

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    While most people fear to attract bees to their garden, having bees can be extremely beneficial for your plants, as bees gather nectar and pollinate flowers. Using pesticides in your garden can be harmful to any helpful insects and bees. 

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    Food, food, food

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    Fruits, berries, nutritious bird seed mixtures are all very enticing to birds and will likely have them stopping by for a snack occasionally. Be careful not to add split peas, beans or lentils into the mixtures, as these can only be consumed by larger birds.


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