There was nothing smoke and mirrors about Aug. 19's Late Late Show with James Corden, for it was the beginning of a beautiful new direction for Patrick Stewart and the show's host.
With great fanfare and awe-inspiring feats of dramatic arm movements, the two unveiled their new project — Cosmagnification. Cosgmaginfication is a redefining of modern 'magic' and strives to circumvent the expected and pull the curtain back on the truth behind the illusion behind the trick.
Also, at one point, Corden accidentally (?) messes up a trick, completely showing how they did it. He would be kicked out of the Magician's Alliance for sure.
But Patrick Stewart's commitment to the team cannot be understated. He approaches the illusionary arts with the reverence and seriousness of a pious monk. A pious monk that wears frilly shirts and a sequin jacket.
These guys could teach a thing or two to Gob.