10 Brilliant "How To" Guides To Improve Your Everyday Life

  • 01

    Eventually become CEO and then finally fire yourself.

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  • 02

    What’s everyone listening to right at this second? (Go on, be honest)

  • 03

    my top pick for YouTube cooking is obviously the amazing @yousuckatcooking - it’s like Chefs Table, but a lot better.)

  • 04

    If anyone has a better way to watch films I’m all ears.

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  • 05

    Okay, so this is probably closer to a guide for Uncle and Aunts

  • 06

    Please don’t try and explain it to me, at this stage I just leave it to my phone and wake up feeling surprising well rested or alternatively a bit more tired than usual.

  • 07

    "Okay, call me back during The Bachelor ad breaks"

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  • 08

    So good at the business.

  • 09

    I hope you eventually got your coffee "Shaun"

  • 10

    Go on, tag your parents.


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