
15 Really Shitty But Hilarious Toilet Designs

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    toilet design - Property - PUSH
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    Took awhile to realize that's not water, that's the toilet seat design

    toilet design - Toilet
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    Easy access!

    toilet design - Toilet
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    Who in the world could possibly reach that?

    toilet design - Bathroom
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    Seems reasonable

    toilet design - Property
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    Not the worst, but not the best

    toilet design - Line
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    toilet design - Toilet
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    Just when you think it's normal, you look up

    toilet design - Room - UTPAD
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    Why? Who could possibly use this comfortably?

    toilet design - Bathroom
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    The real (and most awkward) walk of shame

    toilet design - Room
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    "What is this, a toilet stall for ants?!"

    toilet design - Tile
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    Another great thought out plan

    toilet design - Property
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    We take back the 'terrifying' comment on the previous picture, this one is the MOST terrifying

    toilet design - Face
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    Honestly, at this point, why even put doors at all?

    toilet design - Property
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    What? Is that an elevator?

    toilet design - Property


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