A Girl And Her Two Cats Are The Subject Of These Adorable Comics

  • 01

    When your cat looks up at you with those beautiful saucer eyes and mews softly while purring, it takes ungodly power not to do whatever the cat wants you to do

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  • 02

    Borritos Night

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  • 03

    Cut my hair day

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  • 04

    Tag a cat lover who can relate to this experience (Or maybe you are that cat lover?

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  • 05

    Is this hell?

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  • 06

    So warm and fuzzy

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  • 07

    The struggles of having a roommate

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  • 08

    It may be glorified dirt water, but hey, to me it is very tasty glorified dirt water indeed

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  • 09

    Most definitely not scared

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  • 10

    Sometimes I wish I were a cat and then I could sleep a ton all day long ha

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