Fifteen-year-old Shorty, who Marc adopted when the pug was just a few years old, is a happy dog. The only time Shorty has a bad day is when Marc travels for work.
“The relationship between Marc and Shorty is very special. Marc is Shorty’s person. He just adores him and is the happiest when he is in Marc’s arms"
"When he was younger, Shorty would travel with Marc everywhere, but it's not possible now with his age. Marc calls Shorty his 'angel' dog. Shorty really taught Marc how to love and care for another living thing," Marc's wife, Kristen, tells PEOPLE.
"Unfortunately, Marc has to travel a good amount for work and Shorty gets very anxious when he is away. Shorty will bark and cry and nothing will calm him down"
"He won't even calm down if I am holding him. In the past, I tried putting one of Marc's shirts on a pillow, but it didn't really work. I felt so helpless trying to calm him down when Marc was away," Kristen shares about Shorty, who is now too old to travel with his dad.
While the pillow wrapped in Marc’s shirt didn’t provide much comfort, Kristen’s mom had another, more in-depth idea to help Shorty with his separation anxiety.
"She was over one day and saw how upset Shorty was. That day she went home and ordered a life-size mannequin from a Halloween store. When she told me about it, I thought she was nuts! But, it was worth a shot," Kristen told People. Kristen dubbed the mannequin Farc, short for "Fake-Marc," and dressed the dummy in Marc's already-worn shirts and hat, "so it would have his scent." She also added fake tattoo sleeves to the mannequin, since Real-Marc has real tattoos on his arms. After getting Farc styled, Kristen sat the mannequin on the couched and waited to see what Shorty would do.
Shorty’s reaction was truly incredible
"He had been crying and barking all day. I put him on Farc's lap and wrapped the arms around him. He snuggled into the shirt and he was asleep within a half hour. He slept like that through the night. I was amazed. I really could not believe that it worked!" she told people of the miracle-working mannequin.
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