Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series tells the story of House Forrester. Caught up in the events of The War of the Five Kings, they are placed in a precarious position where members of the household must do everything they can to prevent the house from meeting its doom.
The events in our game series begin towards the end of Season Three of the TV show, and end right before the beginning of Season Five. You will visit familiar locations such as King's Landing and The Wall, as well as unfamiliar locations such as Ironrath, the home of House Forrester.
In the game, you'll play as five different members of the Forrester household, all of whom can affect the fate of the others. Though the Forresters haven't appeared in the HBO show, the family appears in George RR Martin's fifth Thrones novel, A Dance With Dragons and are loyal to House Stark. Season one will have six episodes.