
The Guy From Babe Glued Himself To a Starbucks Counter For PETA


Actor and activist James Cromwell, known in my home as "The Guy From Babe," made headlines today after supergluing his hand to a Starbucks Counter. At first we assumed that the move was in response to Starbucks' recent anti-union policies, but we were mistaken. Turns out Cromwell, who looks great for his 82 years, was protesting the coffee chain's upcharge on plant based milks for PETA. The 6'7" king made his case in Midtown, a good choice for anyone who wants to be seen by scores of depressed office drones. 

While customers ordered their complicated drinks and baristas pulled their shots, Cromwell shouted damning facts about the dairy industry on a Facebook livestream.

He and PETA claim that the upcharge is a “punishment” for vegans and people who can't drink animal milks. The worst punishment, to Cromwell, is actually the climate-related consequences of dairy farming. It's true that dairy milk is cheaper, but it's not worth the long-term cost of, uh, climate change. 

Though police arrived on the scene, Cromwell suffered no punishment. The Succession star freed himself from the counter with a knife, congregating with fellow PETA members and fans outside the coffee shop. 

Reception to the protest has been pretty positive on Twitter, with users tweeting out jokes about the incident and praise for Cromwell. 




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