TikToker Kaida aka @thelittlestdragonk shares tons of videos sharing stories about the insane antics she's gotten into at work and just in life in general. On of her recent stories unveils an unbelievable amount of audacity, but really come through in the end.
Kaida was working as a manager at a retail store—the exact store is never revealed, but viewers suspect it's something like a DollarTree. The story happened two years ago at the height of the beginning of the pandemic. The place is short staffed and the lines are long. People would be standing there trying to purchase their essentials for hours. One woman comes in with her young adult daughter and cuts the line. Kaida tells her she can't do that, and when she refused to mov, Kaida told the cashier not to serve her.
Part 1
Of course this made the Karen mom livid and she started making a scene. She told the guy that she cut in line that the manager told her to do that and that the store was being chaotic and everything was this managers fault. However, when Kaida told the man in line that the Karen women is straight up lying, nobody took the Karen's side. The Karen got so upset that now her Karen daughter started freaking out. She threatened to physically hurt Kaida for not doing what her mother wanted and Kaida pointed her to the two security guards standing right there.
Part 2
Eventually, the Karen mom and daughter knew they were backed into a corner and stopped causing a scene—though they were still talking disrespectfully. Then the Karen mom had the audacity to say that since they are short staffed, they should hire here daughter. Her daughter agreed and even added that she had actually just applied there. Kaida pretended like she was in on that idea, but she most definitely was not, but because she did that, she got the name of the Karen daughter.
She instantly called HR and told them the Karen daughter's name and urged them to not hire her. It was right in time too, because they had just left her a message to have an interview. The HR called the Karen daughter back and told her they would no longer he seeing her and for her not to go back to the store. And if she did go back and harassed any of the employees, they would press charges because now since they alerted her of the situation it would be consider preemptive.
Part 3
It's not usual that the HR of a huge corporation—someone you may never even see the face of—has your back, but they did in this situation and justice was served to this Karen duo.
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