I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

How To Prevent Your Cat From Drinking Toilet Water

  • 1

    Keep the toilet lid down at all times when it is not in use.

    Toilet seat

    This includes training those members of the household who prefer leaving up every part of the toilet lid. It will stop the cat from getting into the bowl and no more drinking of the toilet water.

    Consider leaving reminder signs asking everyone, including yourself, to keep the lid shut. Remind people of the consequences otherwise––getting a nose rub from a kitty that has stuck its face into the bowl water.

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  • 2

    Use a baby proof mechanism for the cat that lifts the lid.

    Toilet seat

    If your cat is smart or simply persistent, you may need to use a babyproofing toilet seat lock to keep the lid locked down. If this is the case, be sure to show everyone in the house how to open and close this item. They're very simple to use and don't cost more than a few dollars. The lock should be washed regularly, to prevent germ build-up.

  • 3

    Keep the bathroom door shut. Make the bathroom off limits to your cat.

    Door handle

    This isn't always ideal, unless you are all used to keeping the door shut. Moreover, there may be an occasion when your cat needs to be in the bathroom, such as for a bath or if it suddenly vomits a fur ball and you'd rather save the carpet than the bathroom tiles. However, it can be a good fix for most of the time. Consider a door that shuts itself automatically. This could be done by weighting the door or using a special lock.

  • 4

    Lure the cat away from the toilet corner.


    Keep a bowl of drinking water in the bathroom but at the opposite side form the toilet. Provided it's in an easily accessible spot, the cat will usually prefer the easier and more dignified option of the water bowl.

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  • 5

    Get a motion sensor statue that makes noise.


    Place it right by the toilet area, so that when the cat crosses to go there, it gets a fright from the awful noise made by the motion sensor creature. This may wear off in time, although it might provide fun fodder for YouTube videos in the meantime.

  • 6

    Be sure that your cat is getting adequate water.


    Always keep its water bowl filled near the food supply and if possible, especially if you live somewhere hot, have several bowls around the inside of the house, and the outside, if relevant. The cat that can access sufficient water won't be so fascinated by the toilet bowl. Unless, of course, it's become a bad habit.


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