

Wandering in the desert of humor and memes, it's not easy to find a fresh oasis. Try to make your own with these arid memes and puns.

art burning man car crazy desert experiment hacked modification sculpture Video - 25436417

Burning Man Octopus WIN

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art burning man car crazy desert experiment hacked modification sculpture Video - 25436417

Burning Man Octopus WIN

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Well, That Sounds Exciting

australia desert Maps sharks stereotypes - 5126548736
Created by Commander_Epic_the_Great

At War in a Desert

air conditioning desert war win - 5072909312
Created by Unknown

At War in a Desert

air conditioning desert war win - 5072909312
Created by Unknown

Rest in Pastry, Nuñez

desert dessert literalism similar sounding - 4830895360

Rest in Pastry, Nuñez

desert dessert literalism similar sounding - 4830895360

CLASSIC: Emergency Phone FAIL

classic desert emergency failboat g rated phone signs telephone - 4820785152
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You Said To Comb The Desert

desert gifs Movies and TV puns - 4745868544
Created by _C_A_T_

I've got to rest before I fall apart ! My joints are almost frozen !

army desert political pictures star wars - 4670578432
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Machine gun fail

desert FAIL gifs machine gun scary woah - 4668051968
Created by melolonta

Meanwhile in the Desert

Caturday critters desert gifs longcat monster scary totally real - 4624529408

sudden halt

desert FAIL gifs jump ouch truck - 4556818176
Created by _C_A_T_

It's a $5,985 Cab Ride to the Impound Lot

cars desert helicopter military parking signs soldiers - 4286297344
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You get what you deserve....

awesome camel desert dessert figure of speech literalism mistake revenge - 4513549824
Created by craigede

You get what you deserve....

awesome camel desert dessert figure of speech literalism mistake revenge - 4513549824
Created by craigede