

Funny random Tumblr posts | tilthat TIL 2002 researcher found average 8-year-old British child could identify 80 Pokémon, but only 50 common wildlife species via sirobvious Common wildlife species don't normally yell their names at

Eighteen Tumblr Posts Chock-Full Of Clever Humor

Tumblr never fails to make us laugh.
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Open secrets of various industries | ITworksGuys 9.1k points 19 hours ago am don't always know WHY fix worked and don't care. Sleepycoon 2.5k points 17 hours ago number times put "gremlins" under cause problem and/or "fuck if know" under solution ticket without anyone ever batting an eye is appalling.

Open Secrets In Various Professions

Knew it!
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Signs that should definitely NOT be ignored | CHILDREN MUST HAVE ADULT SUPERVISION THANKS! sign illustration scared looking kids standing in front of adults with eyeballs instead of faces

Signs That Should Definitely Not Be Ignored

Some signs just can't be ignored.
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A collection of laws that people insist are real, but are not | cushionblock 1h my country some people believe they can 'press charges' against someone can't report crime and police decide if they are taking further s not up whether charges are brought may want charges brought but police drop case. Alternatively can refuse press charges' and police can bring case anyway s harder without victim or witness cooperation but they still can do have right civil cases course but people say 'press charge

Laws People Insist Are Real But Don't Exist

Helpful to know.
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Tumblr thread on why Deer leave their fawns alone | fawn curled up beside fake deer which is used target practice | vampireapologist lot people are super upset by this, so here is reminder someone who has worked professionally with deer fawn tucked down alone like this is almost never an orphan. Fawns are extremely small, and their best defense is stay hidden as often as possible. Unless they are nursing or moving new spot, tucking themselves down grass or against bigger objects is their best de

Tumblr User Explains Why Lone Baby Deer Is Probably Fine

It's not Bambi.
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A Tumblr thread describes all the wild medieval battle tactics. | Medieval castle stairs were often built ascend narrow, clockwise spirals so right- handed castle defenders could use their swords more easily. This design put those on way up at disadvantage (unless they were left-handed steps were also uneven give defenders advantage anticipating each step's size while attackers tripped over them. Source Source 2 Source

Tumblr Thread: Medieval Battle Tactics Were Wild

Yay, history is fun.
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Positive psychologist explains brain and body's reaction to long term stress | Alexis Rockley @alexisrockley Let be clear thread Those "all over place" feelings been having? They are symptoms stress, NOT personal failures yours.

Twitter Thread: The Brain's Reaction To Long Term Stress

Spread that kindness in these strange times.
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Twitter thread on anti-mask league during San Francisco's 1919 Spanish Flu | Tim Mak @timkmak THREAD History doesn't repeat itself, but rhymes thread about Anti-Mask League 1919 not kiddingI went HAM researching this So, starting Sept 2018 San Francisco suffered Spanish Flu pandemic. Initial mask wearing good around 80 percent 2:10 PM Apr 19, 2020 Twitter Web App 3.9K Retweets 6.2K Likes Tim Mak O @timkmak 3h Replying timkmak By November cases were down, and public health officials recommended

Twitter Thread: 1919 Anti-Mask Protests During Spanish Flu

Alright well this isn't surprising at all.
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Tumblr thread describes a monster mold that has the powers of Medusa | unexplained-events photo above is closest humanity has ever come creating Medusa. If were look at this would die instantly | image is reactor core lava formation basement Chernobyl nuclear plant s called Elephant's Foot and weighs hundreds tons, but is only couple meters across. Oh, and regarding Medusa thing, this picture taken through mirror around corner hallway. Because wheeled camera they sent up take pictures destroyed

Tumblr Thread: Radioactive Lava-Like Material Has Medusa Powers

No thank you.
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A quick and helpful Tumblr thread shares various baking tips | docholligay Coming state champion baker: If y'all use decent box mix and use melted butter instead vegetable oil, an extra egg, and milk instead water, no one can tell difference sure as hell can't. Also, if add little almond extract vanilla cake, or little coffee chocolate cake sends through roof. This concludes attempting be helpful.

Tumblr Thread Is Rich With Cake Baking Tips

Yay, now we can all bake cakes.
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A collection of life pro tips that are helpful for people navigating the world | LPT Advice on managing extended periods away World Learning submariner 6 years with multiple deployments 6 months and other extended underways multiple months with short -port stints between time had develop coping strategies dealing with isolation and loss social contact with outside World. Here's learned: 1. Hold fast whatever is waiting on other side doesn't matter feels foolish, or whether there is certainty hap

Life Pro Tips To Ace Your Existence

Loving the life pro tips about navigating isolation.
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Woman tests positive for COVID-19, and describes her experience in Twitter thread | Bjonda Haliti @baeonda 22 years old and tested positive COVID-19 been debating on posting, but want share my experience especially with those around my age help bring awareness, and relieve any stress/anxiety some may have due pandemic.

Woman Tests Positive For COVID-19, Describes Experience

Hydration is key.
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chef gordon ramsay shows how to wash hands properly during coronavirus

Gordon Ramsay Demonstrates Proper Hand Washing

We need this now more than ever.
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Tumblr explains story of an anti-vaxx mom who realized she was wrong and became a vaccination advocate | Anti-vaxx mom abandons movement after all seven her her kids get whooping cough TOM BOGGIONI 10 APR 2015 AT 16:00 ET Uploaded By PsychoFifi Ottawa Adrian Harewoed Kew Otana mother Tara ila cOC soreenshot funoftheday don't say. | timemachineyeah record, she actually abandoned movement BEFORE they all got whooping cough, but abandoned too late. There'd been breakout measles her area caused her

Tumblr Explains The Time an Anti-Vaxx Mom Switched Sides

Hey, progress is possible.
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A registered nurse shares a helpful Twitter thread on how to manage having the Coronavirus | smashingteacups @smasheroteacups know all tired hearing/talking about but one thing T HAVEN'T really seen going around is advice happens if DO get coronavirus (many us will only advice try AVOID So as friendly neighborhood RN wee thread: 7:06 AM 11 Mar 20 Twitter iPhone Tweet reply

Twitter Thread: A Registered Nurse's Tips On Treating The Coronavirus

Some helpful information amidst the storm of crazy information.
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Twitter thread from @into_the_brush about how hard it is to get tested for coronavirus covid-19 in seattle, united states, cornavirus deaths | sketchy lady @into_the_brush live Seattle have all symptoms COVID-19 and have history chronic bronchitis. Since work physical therapy clinic with many 65+ patients and those with chronic illnesses decided be responsible and go get tested. This is went. called Corona hotline on hold 40 minutes and gave up. So looked at CDC and Washington public health webs

Twitter Thread About Coronavirus Reveals What An Ordeal It Is To Get Tested

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