
kim jong-un

Howdy y'all! Come and meet the little misses!

annoyed cowboy impression kim jong-un Ri Sol Ju ri sol-ju - 6459194880
See all captions Created by Greybeard55

It was a dark and stormy night, when Miss Kim realized that no matter what, the man beside her would always resemble a North Korean Pilsbury Dough Boy with a really bad hair cut.

fat kim jong-un Ri Sol Ju ri sol-ju unday - 6456869632
See all captions Created by HokieGirl74


free kim jong-un North Korea - 6520057856
Created by xyzpdq1

One Big Happy Family

kim jong-un North Korea political pictures - 6526627584

MMMMMM! Doughnuts!

kim jong-un North Korea political pictures - 6496354048
See all captions Created by atomicbrain

Saint Kim

kim jong-un North Korea pants pizza political pictures women - 6519473408
Via Serious Eats

Breaking News - Kim Jon Un and Ri Sol-ju, well fed and well dressed, applaud their starving nation's well funded military.

kim jong-un North Korea political pictures Ri Sol Ju ri sol-ju - 6496699648
See all captions Created by zeitgeist1138

Everybody sing along! "Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my Communist Party membership card, so please don't report me to the govt."

call me maybe kim jong-un North Korea political pictures Ri Sol Ju ri sol-ju - 6495094272
See all captions Created by DJAussie

I saw that Hussein guy do this once and that went well didn't it?

kim jong-un North Korea political pictures - 6441151488
See all captions Created by Greybeard55

Let's go to New York, dear.

kim jong-un North Korea political pictures Ri Sol Ju ri sol-ju - 6468715776
See all captions Created by greyhawk

Kim Jong Un Has the Best Adventures

cartoons college humor kim jong-un Memes - 6475141888
Via College Humor


hilarious kim jong-un Meanwhile North Korea - 6462194944

Kim Jong ill in 3...2...1...

kim jong-un North Korea political pictures - 6461793024
See all captions Created by djcat595

Pyongyang Wedding Win-Win

kim jong-un North Korea political pictures Ri Sol Ju ri sol-ju - 6456293632
See all captions Created by TuckerBentley

"Un" Lucky in Love

kim jong-un North Korea political pictures Ri Sol Ju - 6455875584
Via AP

Ah Jeez. That fat little turd is stuck again.

kim jong-un North Korea political pictures - 6448761088
See all captions Created by mrjim333