

When the Moon hit's your eye like a big pizza pie you're blind Copernicus you got hit by a celestial body the size of Australia right in the face. 

It's Going to Hit Him in the Back of the Head

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Via Jimbobilly81

China's Yutu Rover Patrols the Moon

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Via Space Pics

China's Yutu Rover Patrols the Moon

China moon awesome Astronomy science rover - 8419387392
Via Space Pics

Sits With Wolves

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Via Bluegodzill

The Crescent Moon Bottle Opener

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Via Oddity Mall

The Crescent Moon Bottle Opener

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Via Oddity Mall

The Moon Needs a Harsh Mistress

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Via divinearms

Flag Taken!

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Via ALPB11
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Soaring Over Titan

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Soaring Over Titan

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Why Observe the Moon When You Can Eat It?

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Via Sam Sweet Milk

Why Observe the Moon When You Can Eat It?

moon Astronomy funny g rated School of FAIL - 8379963136
Via Sam Sweet Milk

There's a Beer Crater on the Moon?

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Via Jimbo Wiz

There's a Beer Crater on the Moon?

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Via Jimbo Wiz

Leonardo Da Vinci's First Take on The Mona Lisa

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Via Unearthed Comics

A Surface Map of Dione

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