

Only if You're Ignorant

Battle fight philosoraptor sisfwip - 6292947200
See all captions Created by colenator2

Women Are Too Picky

gender men philosoraptor same - 6276289024

Don't Say it Too Loud or Marvel Will Steel It

allies iron man marvel philosoraptor similar sounding team - 6286785792
Via Reddit

Don't Say it Too Loud or Marvel Will Steel It

allies iron man marvel philosoraptor similar sounding team - 6286785792
Via Reddit

My art assignment.

art assignment philosoraptor reality simulation - 6279938048
Created by crimsonnlove1

if good things come to those who wait why is procrastinating bad

bad dinosaurs Hall of Fame Memes philosoraptor waiting why - 6045402624
See all captions Created by what now teachers

The Unlucky Truth

bad luck brian bet fight philosoraptor - 6248750080
Created by fermckinley

PC Paradox

philosoraptor - 6254350336

PC Paradox

philosoraptor - 6254350336


hulk mustache philosoraptor superheroes - 6235520256
See all captions Created by Bilybul

If addiction is a disease why don't they let us have our medication?

addiction Memes philosoraptor - 6189908224
See all captions Created by Raven

If practice makes perfect, and no one's perfect, why practice?

Memes philosoraptor why - 6199517440
See all captions Created by nat4311

Sleeping Like a Baby

baby philosoraptor sleeping - 6240263424

Sleeping Like a Baby

baby philosoraptor sleeping - 6240263424

If you were given an order to disobey all orders Would you disobey that order?

dinosaurs Memes philosoraptor - 6196348928
See all captions Created by dustynater11


bad luck brian bet philosoraptor profit - 6244031488
See all captions Created by TheDerper