

Police. Cops. Popo. 5-O. Whatever officer might be looking for, you'll find all that here and more. These coppers will charge you up like a battery, so get a shock to your system with witty police humor.

Where did she go?

Funny meme about Kendall Jenner pepsi, we need her now that there are clashes between police and citizens | When the world needed her most, she vanished..
Via @memebase
Twitter thread from lawyer about hypocritical brands posting about black lives matter, microsoft, reese's, hershey's, prada | Respectable Lawyer @RespectableLaw Microsoft built products using cobalt extracted by 8-year-old mining slaves Democratic Republic Congo. Microsoft O @Microsoft 22h #NewProfilePic Today will continue uplift voices Black and African American community at Microsoft | Respectable Lawyer @RespectableLaw Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are made using cocoa extracted by 8- year-old

Twitter Thread Calls Out Hypocrisy Of 'Woke' Brands' Black Lives Matter Posts

Virtue signaling is easy.
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Funny video of a woman interrupting a street performance

Stubborn Karen Ruins Everyone's Day During A Street Performance

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A cop provides quality advice on wearing seatbelts, in a fun manner | police officer sitting in drivers seat in a car Sudden Itch | the turtle

Cop Provides Quality Advice In Fun Manner

Pretty on point.
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He's So Sad Now

Funny meme pun comic about a prisoner who tried to escape, therefore "letting his guard down" | I'm sorry I tried to escape. I'm not mad, I'm just....disappointed.
Via Fremen117
Herd Of Goats Were Having a Midnight Feast In an Empty UK Pub During Lockdown | tweet by Andrew Stuart @AndrewStuart They weren’t moving from their midnight feast. And they were probably going to run riot on the town, what with nobody being about due to the lockdown. I also wasn’t sure if they were keeping the required 2m apart.

Funny Thread About Herd Of Goats Having a Midnight Feast In an Empty UK Pub During Lockdown

Goats in a pub
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A collection of times that New Zealand kept it cool on social media | tweet by New Zealand Police heard elf on shelf, now get ready. cat in a police hat. Don't be guy weather changes mysterious ways but don't have Please use indicator.

New Zealand Police Keeping It Hip On Social Media

The New Zealand Police's social media game is on point.
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Funny tweets from the Lawrence Kansas PD about coronavirus response | LAWRENCE POLICE Lawrence Police @LawrenceKS_PD ART KS Ask yourself "is this enough toilet paper last until August and then do not buy much toilet paper. Also, don't steal toilet paper violates no crime order.

Lawrence Kansas Police Department Tackles Coronavirus With Humor

Stop hoarding toilet paper!
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Police officers rescuing animals | police officer standing on the road beside a stopped cop car | This cop stops traffic so he can pick up turtle and put him safe place on other side road

Kind-Hearted Police Officers Who Sworn Duty To Protect Animals

Police officers rescuing animals
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police officer demonstrates blind spots covers motorbike with pen

Canadian Officer Hides A Motorcycle Behind A Pen

Behind every pen could be a motorcycle. Think about that.
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suspect eating ham while being questioned by police

Police Question Man, He Won't Stop Eating Ham

Ham first, questions later.
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police catch a person stealing from a porch

Edmonton Police Service Porch Pirate Sting

There needs to be more of this.
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Funny Facebook posts from the New Zealand police Facebook page | New Zealand Police couldn't not dollypartonchallenge LINKEDIN INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK TINDER. Yes should. Should wear seatbelt? yes yes but yellow pie chart blue and yellow

Fourteen Cute And Funny Posts From The New Zealand Police Facebook Page

Cute puppies galore!
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Yeah Can You Guys Not

Funny meme about family barging into the bathroom when you're using it after it's been unoccupied all day | bathroom: empty all day. every member of my family within 0.002 nanoseconds of me entering it. police breaking a door.
Via gwagwa1234
police impersonator fails and gets arrested by real police

Serial Police Impersonator Arrested By Real Police

Drop the act, buddy.
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video of a waitress standing by a seated couple in a restaurant

Waitress Tells Police To Let Customer Finish Eating

Shock can be a tricky thing to navigate.
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