

And Copying From Wikipedia is Called "College"

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And Copying From Wikipedia is Called "College"

research wikipedia - 6072784128

Professor Oak's Research - Useless

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Created by alspawn

Good Guy Grog For the Cause

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Physics Has Stumped Me

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Wikipedia Article Not Long Enough?

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Created by epicpilotguy

Dammit She Hacked My Facebook Messages Again

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Created by Serrena

Dammit She Hacked My Facebook Messages Again

Hall of Fame research - 5869420800
Created by Serrena

A Crime Against Science

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Via FailBook

A Crime Against Science

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Via FailBook

You Showed Them

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Created by superfightpanda

WIN!: Completely Relevant News: Cancer Research WIN

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Via Geekosystem

WIN!: Completely Relevant News: Cancer Research WIN

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Via Geekosystem

MemeCats: Watch Your Foul Language, Chemistry Cat!!!

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Professor Baobab's Research

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Via New-Bark-Town

Success Kid: I'm Doing Research, I Swear

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See all captions Created by wolfy95-15