

His Luck is So Bad it Defies Physics

bad luck brian face Memes phone physics standing trampoline - 6339455744
See all captions Created by jacqoline

Before you go inside....I can explain.

explain explanation puppy spaniel standing trouble uh oh wait - 6266180608
See all captions Created by larscog

Before you go inside....I can explain.

explain explanation puppy spaniel standing trouble uh oh wait - 6266180608
See all captions Created by larscog

Bunday: Fancy

bunnies bunny costume dressed up fancy Hall of Fame happy bunday squee standing - 6268014848
Created by GalderGollum

Bunday: Fancy

bunnies bunny costume dressed up fancy Hall of Fame happy bunday squee standing - 6268014848
Created by GalderGollum


cow cows food ocean standing water youre-doing-it-wrong - 6253754112
See all captions Created by kenbaker


cow cows food ocean standing water youre-doing-it-wrong - 6253754112
See all captions Created by kenbaker


batman bear bears best of the week Hall of Fame standing the dark knight rises - 6202985472
See all captions Created by starfallforever

Wifi is the Word

bird birds Hall of Fame standing wifi - 6240116736
Created by engleshen

Wifi is the Word

bird birds Hall of Fame standing wifi - 6240116736
Created by engleshen

Goggie GIF: Cha-cha-cha!

best of the week chihuahua dance dancing gifs Hall of Fame human-like standing - 6237975552

Goggie GIF: Cha-cha-cha!

best of the week chihuahua dance dancing gifs Hall of Fame human-like standing - 6237975552

Coincidentally, He's Upstanding Too

cliché double meaning field Hall of Fame literalism out outstanding scarecrow standing - 6227947008
Via Reddit

Coincidentally, He's Upstanding Too

cliché double meaning field Hall of Fame literalism out outstanding scarecrow standing - 6227947008
Via Reddit

The New Duckface

duckface girls gross Memes standing straight - 6206511616

Daily Squee: The View Is Spectacular

bunnies bunny human-like rabbit stand standing tall tiny view - 6129239040
Via Addelburgh