

karen karens neighbors neighbor bad-neighbors entitled thief stolen mail package boss police libel rampage deserves payback evidence video surveillance reddit

'She called the cops and is trying to convince my boss to fire me': Karen wrongly accuses her neighbor of stealing her mail, gets pwned when he scores surveillance footage to clear his name

Being stuck with a bad neighbor can make your living situation more like a hostage situation. Cornered by the prying eyes and rampant lies of a nosy neighbor, our next hero showcases the best way to deal with a resident Karen: Video evidence.
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company, work from home, antiwork, surveillance, employee, working from home, job, work, working, Office, camera, wfh, home office, companies, spying

'How is this legal?': Company forcibly installs cameras into employee's home offices to spy on them

Dystopian much?
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‘They Threatened Me With Eviction’ : Man Installs Personal Doorbell Cameras in Violation to (Hypocritical) Condo Board Rules, They Swiftly Come After Him, Neighborly Revenge Ensues

‘They Threatened Me With Eviction’ : Man Installs Personal Doorbell Cameras in Violation to (Hypocritical) Condo Board Rules, They Swiftly Come After Him, Neighborly Revenge Ensues

Dumb rules were meant to be broken. Everyone has a right to feel safe in their own home and going by that logic, it seems fair that whoever wants to install a personal doorbell camera should be allowed to do so. Unfortunately, some building boards don't have the brightest or most empathetic members, causing the tenants' lives to become somewhat difficult. If the Kens and Karens of the board refuse to listen to reason and adjust the bylaws…you can always try to make their life challenging. It ma…
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Ring camera "culture" is so bizarre. for the sake of going viral, y'all will publicly shame your neighbours for doing the most inconsequential things. gotta love our surveillance state lol

'Go talk to your neighbors instead of spying on them': Security camera culture tweet sparks debate about community surveillance

Since so many people have surveillance cameras in today's day and age, you're being watched by what seems like every house and business. One day I realized that as I walked outside, dozens of cameras were watching me. With a creeping realization like a horror movie, I realized there's nothing to be done about the intense surveillance that many people are now under. I'm not the only one who's thought about that – clearly, people have lots of thoughts on the extra surveillance that has grown in p…
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lolcats - Photo caption - CSI: ICHC oh crap, there's a surveillance camera
See all captions Created by Chris10a ( Via Cheezburger )

You Can't See Me

cat surveillance caption - 8974554112
See all captions Created by bajio6401

You Can't See Me

cat surveillance caption - 8974554112
See all captions Created by bajio6401

How's Your Number 2 Going Over There?

Bathroom Graffiti surveillance bathroom camera hacked irl - 8349092608
Via Acid Cow

How's Your Number 2 Going Over There?

Bathroom Graffiti surveillance bathroom camera hacked irl - 8349092608
Via Acid Cow

Picking a name for your wifi

FBI surveillance paranoid creepy internet password wifi - 6784071168
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad

Picking a name for your wifi

FBI surveillance paranoid creepy internet password wifi - 6784071168
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad

Hacked IRL: Political Surveillance

camera hacked irl politics poster Street Art surveillance - 5558943232
Via Laughing Squid

Hacked IRL: Political Surveillance

camera hacked irl politics poster Street Art surveillance - 5558943232
Via Laughing Squid

Namely, Research on Your Genitals

bathroom surveillance - 5155866880

Namely, Research on Your Genitals

bathroom surveillance - 5155866880

"Sir, Employee X Hasn't Shown Up to Work for a Week Now"

security surveillance - 4962615296
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