On a distant planet, teeming with plant life lives an amazing race of sentient plants, far more advanced than us. Their people split in two by a rebellion, thus the pro-peace faction decided to flee to our galaxy, landing on our planet and making contact with awe-inspiring prehistoric animals. Assuming they were the most intelligent beings, they imitated them and have done so secretly to this day.
These benevolent Photobots can be seen nowadays in the most interesting and utterly hilarious plants, sometimes taking the shape of majestic and intelligent monkeys, high-flying beautiful birds, and other, less child-friendly shaped vegetables (that we won't show here but you'll probably try to look up later). Alas, the rebel plants from their home planet, the Deceptiplants, have found them, and now a race to save planet Earth has begun!
Newer Photobots arriving to earth saw butterflies and decided they would be the best to imitate. Little did they know that cats, a natural predator of butterflies, would hunt them to the ends of the earth, or at least the city boundary.
Here we have Bumblebee, second in command to the Hoptimus Prime, leader of the Photobots, wielder of the Allbark, and ancient plant weapon that can terraform entire planets into lush paradises for Pantoids to live on.
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