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By SilentWing on Dec 19, 2011 at 9:27 AM

Hiya Robin! I'm so glad to hear you're on meds now and starting to feel better! Bronchitis is no fun at all, Luke gets it about once a year due to his asthma and the cold weather. This year he's on Symbicort though, and according to his doctor it should keep the bronchitis away this year so we're keeping our fingers crossed :) I'm glad the cherry NyQuil is more tolerable for you, but I'm with you on it still tasting awful. DayQuil is pretty bad too, but AnOldCowhand told me he puts his in a glass of orange juice and is able to mask the bad taste that way. I'm all set for Christmas, I usually try to get everything done by early December (wrapping included) because I know how crazy everything gets by mid-December in the stores. Hopefully Rob's parents let you know what they want soon so you can get everything finished and get to really enjoying the holidays. Ahh Christmas lights in the snow always look amazing! Sounds like you have some great holiday plans too :) Let's see... tomorrow night we're going to my brother's for an early birthday dinner with my niece (her birthday is on the 22nd but Luke got squeezed into a last minute dental appointment for then). We'll be going to my brother's again on Christmas Eve, then we'll spend Christmas day here. I'm so glad to hear that Catty and Purry got adopted together, it makes it so much easier for them to adjust that way. Hopefully they have many many long happy years with their new family ^.^ I've thought about Temp work, but even that can be hard to come by right now. I'm still sending applications out on a daily basis so I'm bound to get a response at some point. I think right now they're just waiting for the first of the year to really put more out there... at least I'm hoping so :) I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, although I'll most likely drop by on Christmas day again :D *hugs and lubs*

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By NCcharmer on Dec 18, 2011 at 8:49 PM

I wish you nothing but good wishes for Ears. Let me know what happens. Your health is enough worry. I hate that you have to worry about Ears as well.

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By NCcharmer on Dec 18, 2011 at 8:08 PM

Poor baby. How old is he? Is the surgery going to be scary because of his age. I know it is scary no matter what.

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By lovethatkat on Dec 18, 2011 at 6:38 PM

Hi Robin, Thanks so much for your concern and help with my collectibles! You are very kind. Gary is doing very well right now. He was having passing out spells and that was very scary. The last one was so bad I thought he was having a stroke! It really scared me! After having every test possible, the doctors decided his blood pressure medication and another medication were making his blood pressure drop every time he stood up. The doctors dropped one med and adjusted another one and so far Gary has been fine. So, we will see how it goes! I really appreciate all your advice about the pets too. I haven't gotten to volunteer yet. They haven't called me. Apparently they don't need extra help now. I hope I will be called soon. I believe I would really enjoy helping with the kitties. I hope all the kitties have a home for Christmas! Thanks again for your concern. I hope you and your hubby have a very Merry Christmas! I am totally jealous of your snow!! Snow for Christmas would be so fun! Enjoy! (hope your bronchitis is better soon so you can go play in the white stuff!) Take care.

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By NCcharmer on Dec 17, 2011 at 2:46 PM

One of my real-life best friends has a cat with the same problem. She sounds just like you. I don't know what it does to the cat, so I don't know how they suffer, but I know they must because Christy worries about her Waldo all the time. I ask, but she nevers really gives me a straight answer.

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By NCcharmer on Dec 17, 2011 at 1:11 PM

Well, at last it is something you can get rid of!! Yay! Boom a lakka lakka boom! *whurls, whurls* You will get all better. That's all we want from our bodies...behave!

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By NCcharmer on Dec 17, 2011 at 12:11 PM

When you can...I ain't going anywhere.

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By JAGFan on Dec 15, 2011 at 2:13 AM

Thank YOU for completing my set first! ^.^

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By lovethatkat on Dec 14, 2011 at 10:57 PM

Hey Robin, Thanks for the rage trashman! My husband has been in hospital for 5 days and I have not been on the computer . I appreciate your help!

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By NCcharmer on Dec 11, 2011 at 7:49 PM

Girl, you have my email address. USE IT! I am a good listener. Promise. It won't go past my email lips.

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By NCcharmer on Dec 11, 2011 at 10:50 AM

I don't care if you do, but Angela might prefer it. Haven't chatted with you in so long I was really pleased to see her use your name. I am sorry about the bad year...It's been bad for a lot of people. For once, it's nice to have other people to talk to about being in the bottom of the boat.

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By caycehouseofcats on Dec 10, 2011 at 5:06 PM

By caycehouseofcats on Dec 9, 2011 at 5:24 PM Happy Holidays! Our 2011 Christmas card is up at Please check it out! (Warning - tissues may be required...)

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By Isis1066 on Dec 9, 2011 at 2:06 PM

We celebrate our Thanksgiving in Canada very much earlier than you do in the states -- and I did indeed have a good one, a week after the day at the church -- a harvest supper. I liked the notions of the kitties having their Own turkey! How thoughtful! I have the suet feeder out now that it is a Lot colder here (though no doubt warmer than where you are) and the Juncos are currently fighting over position on the thing. Given just how fat they are ... no snowfall yet, but very heavy frost and most of the ski resorts on the mainland and here on the Island have opened early. Hope you are feeling better! I have just come off of 6 weeks of some sort of bug, prior to My flu shot!

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By SilentWing on Dec 7, 2011 at 5:42 AM

Ohai Robin ^.^ I'm so happy to hear from you again! I had a great Thanksgiving, thank you! But it sounds like yours was just about perfect, as I can't think of a better way to spend thanksgiving than with the little critters you've been helping out. How cute that the kittehs got their own turkey, I'm SURE they nom nommed all of that down fast! I'm sorry to hear that your house feels so quiet and empty, but like you said it's so wonderful that those two got loving homes. Did they go together? If that picture is of them I can see why they got adopted, too cute for words :) I'm also glad you got your flu shot, I got mine too... sorry to hear you caught a bug though, but glad you're feeling better enough to spend some time on ICHC. If you ever are wiped out again and need some help with collectibles don't hesitate to ask ^.^ I hate the taste of NyQuil too, I can tolerate the Cherry flavor (though still pleh) but I can't stand the green stuff (really don't like licorice). Hopefully you're all better really soon *fingers crossed*. I also hope that things are much better in your life in general, since I know you went through more bad times than anyone should have to go through. We're ALMOST done with Christmas shopping, I know what I'm getting for my mom just haven't had the funds to pick it up yet, and then that only leaves my brother's girlfriend. I have no clue what to get for her outside of something that's 'cute', but I'm sure I'll find something soon. I'm glad to hear you got all yours done, and you're right Rob better decide quick since Christmas is approaching and the shopping crowds are getting bigger and bigger. I'm still waiting for the perfect job, I'm sure it'll come along if I'm patient... it's just sort of hard to be patient when money is tight lol. I'm hanging in there though :) Still sayin' prayers for you, and here's hoping for a quick recovery and happy happy happy holidays *Big Hugz*

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By JAGFan on Dec 7, 2011 at 3:02 AM

Aww, their own turkey, that's adorable. What a picture that would make. Really glad that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and that Cattachino and Purrito got their forever home. Will you be fostering anymore kittens, since you and your home miss the little fellas? ~Thanks for asking about my mom, she's doing great, and is back to her normal self. I hope you have been well too, and that everything is on track for Christmas and the new year. *Big Hugs!*

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By Isis1066 on Dec 6, 2011 at 6:36 PM

Many thanks for the panda! Hope all is well at your end of the country!

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By Isis1066 on Nov 26, 2011 at 6:17 PM

Thank you so very much for the reflecting glass for the Yaris set! And a very, very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, m'dear!

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By SilentWing on Nov 24, 2011 at 10:19 AM

Ohai Robin! No wai I'd forget to wish you and Rob and all of your kitty family a really Happy Thanksgiving! I hope things are getting much better on your end, and that you have a wonderful and relaxing holiday. *Big hugz* for you <3

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By JAGFan on Nov 24, 2011 at 3:27 AM

Ohai MelB! HAPPEE FANKSGIBING!!!! Wishing you and loved ones a wonderful, blessed day today!

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By svseashells on Nov 24, 2011 at 12:50 AM

Thank you, sent you one in return. Happy Thanksgiving to you and hubby!

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