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By svseashells on Nov 10, 2011 at 12:46 AM

Hi Robin, thanks for the Yaris collectible. As soon as I have an extra you need, I'll send it your way. ;)

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By SilentWing on Nov 8, 2011 at 2:43 PM

Hi Robin ^.^ Just dropping by to say hello. Haven't heard from you lately, and I hope all is well on your end. Been keeping busy with job apps and life in general. I really hope things are looking up for you *hugz*

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By lovethatkat on Nov 7, 2011 at 6:05 PM

Hey Robin, Thanks so much for the car! I will see if I have anything you need. I have been thinking about you and hoping you are feeling better. I wanted to tell you that I signed up to volunteer at a Cat Rescue Place. It is Buddies Place Cat Rescue. The Cats are housed at Pets Mart a large pet store. I don't know if you have Pets Marts in New York or not. The store only provides housing for the cats. The Rescue people provide the rest through donations and of course volunteers. I am very excited about it but know it will be so hard for me because I will want to bring them all home with me. Sometimes when I am in Pets Mart I can't even go back and see the cats cause it makes me so sad when they look at you and you know they just want a forever home! Anyway I wanted to ask you if there is any chance that I could bring home a disease that could be given to Binky or Molly, my little dog? I know you will know this. I have been so upset about Jack the cat who was lost at the airport. I saw the picture of him when they found him and he was being given oxygen and being seen by the vet. Then yesterday when I got on line and saw where he died I was so shocked and sad. I thought he was going to live and still just can't stand it that he died. I know it had to be hard for you too after losing Jay. I wish it wasn't so hard don't you?

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By caycehouseofcats on Oct 26, 2011 at 12:59 PM

A couple of new videos are up. The first, “After 6 Weeks”, is a follow-up on the feral colony in downtown Columbia - The second is of “The Gang of Six” – - one week older and not slowing down a single bit. These are also posted on my web site:

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By dragonsbridge on Oct 22, 2011 at 6:19 PM

Oh MelB, I'm so sorry i'z quiet so long. My umbrelly haz holes in it Aifinkso! I hope those little woobies you're raising are all sweetness and luvs. You most certainly deserve it. Thank you for all the collectibles- yoo know I appreciate them. *hugs 'till next time!*

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By caycehouseofcats on Oct 14, 2011 at 11:46 AM

New video up!

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By JAGFan on Oct 10, 2011 at 3:58 AM

Oh, your little orange tabbies are so cute! I love their names! ^.^ So sorry to hear that you've not been well, I will continue to keep you in my prayers! Speaking of, thanks so much for all your nice wishes and thoughts for my mom. She had an appendectomy a few weeks back but is now healing well. ~Regarding the collectible, do let me know if you need any of my extras, okay? Always happy to help! Take care, ok? *HUGS!!* p/s I got to beta the Cheezburger Site program so please check them out, when you have the chance: Thanks!

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By lovethatkat on Oct 9, 2011 at 10:11 PM

Hi Robin! It's so nice to hear from you! I know you have had lots of troubles and I sure hope things are getting better. I totally agree that sometime doing something to help someone (or some kitty) is the best thing to do to help you get through your own problems. I think nursing 2 sweet baby kittens is so sweet and kind of you! The fact that they are 2 darling orange tabby's is even better after losing your own precious ones. What could make you feel better than 2 darling baby kitties? I know it is a lot of work but such rewarding work too. I know what you mean about co pays and prescription costs! It is great to have insurance but it can still cost big time when the copay and drug costs are so high. You mentioned about Rob's contract. What does he do if you don't mind me asking? I can relate to your husbands back pain too. My husband is retired now and for about the last 6 months his back has been getting worse. On Tuesday we are going to a pain doctor that our internist is sending him to see. I sure hope he can help him. Maybe he will be able to help me too with my back. I got my cortizone injections 6 weeks ago for my back and they have already worn off. My back hurts all the time now so we are quite a pair with our bad backs! Sorry to gripe so much, just thought I would let you know how things are here. The worse thing going on is our Sweet little pom, Molly, is sick. She has some kind of breathing problem and our Vet has not been able to diagnose the cause. We spent $1200 last week for tests and still don't know what is causing her problem. Our Vet sent us to a surgeon thinking surgery might help. The surgeon said she didn't think surgery would help but wants us to have Molly seen by the internist at their office! We will take her next Thursday. We spent $374.00 more for tests by the surgeon and her consult fee! Sooo, after we see this doctor it will probably another 3 or 4 more hundred dollars! If we can get Molly's problem taken care of it will be worth it but still the costs are so incredible!! Molly is our baby and we do love her so much we just want her to be well. (even if we are broke) Binky is so cute, he just sniffs Molly all over when we bring her home from the doctor. He is very gentle with her and seems to know something is wrong with her. I wish I could see your new foster kitties and hold them for awhile, I think it would take my mind off of Molly for a while. You take care, good to hear to hear from you

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By JAGFan on Oct 6, 2011 at 12:40 AM

Ohai MelB! Long time no write! How have you been? Thanks so much for the Success Kid medal and trophy collectible. I wasn't expecting anything in return when I sent you the Kitty Purry - just that it was good to send you something as your sets are usually more or less up-to-date. Are you collecting the YARIS set as well? Anyway, hope you're doing ok and am thinking of ya! Take care!

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By SilentWing on Oct 4, 2011 at 1:30 PM

Ohai Robin! Just so you know, they just came out with a third set today. You can only get them by visiting two pages on this site: ....... just letting my friends know who are avid collectors :)

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By dragonsbridge on Oct 2, 2011 at 8:04 PM

Ohai Deary! thanks for teh cullectamable. i'z still hiding under our umbrelly wif yoo. But if dis Pi*-er rain ever lets up, I'll write yoo a nice long babble...yes? Good. Take care, Snorgle yer woobies, and {{HUGGS!}}~DB.

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By lovethatkat on Sep 30, 2011 at 10:10 PM

Hi Robin Thinking bout cha and hoping things are better! Take care! Elaine

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By SilentWing on Sep 27, 2011 at 2:23 PM

Hai Robin :) Just dropping by to say hello. I hope things are getting better on your end. No need to send a reply, I know time is limited for you as it is. Sending prayers and good wishes your way *hugz*

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By MalamuteMom on Sep 9, 2011 at 8:51 AM

Thinking of you!

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By Isis1066 on Sep 7, 2011 at 6:56 PM

Both of you get the flu shot. And hopefully, the State will wake up before someone's family files a law suit. Unfortunately, that is all to likely to be the wakeup call. While not as bad hear, it is becoming that way.

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By SilentWing on Sep 7, 2011 at 11:58 AM

Ohai Robin ^.^ First off I wanted to thank you for passing along that collectible, I found it a good home :) Don’t feel obligated to pass one back though, I’m just happy to help and have gotten into the habit of checking in on my friends and helping them fill gaps. I’m sorry that times have been so tough on you and Rob, but I’m glad you’re starting to feel better. I agree it would be nice to have a ‘post to all friends’ option, or one where you can select the friends you want to send the message to. The holiday weekend was good for me, I got to visit with my younger brother and we took him food shopping and went looking through thrift stores for the fun of it. It looks like our heat is slowly going away, we’ll have one day of 81 degrees but mostly it’ll be in the 70’s which is fine by me :) We’re too far inland to be affected by the hurricane, the only time we get moisture from them is if they hit somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico. I’m glad to hear that everything is ok with you after going through that earthquake shock, and that the hurricane didn’t affect you too much. Hopefully the ant population has moved out though, ick! I really wish that your doctor would realize that the mistake was made by his staff and he would drastically reduce your bill. It’s not your fault that his staff goofed, and you’ve had a hard enough time without having that massive bill on your shoulders. I know what you mean about finding a good doctor, especially one that’ll accept your insurance. Plus if your doctor knows you well, it’s all the better to stick with him. Did you talk to him about his staff yet? I completely understand where you’re coming from on things going wrong, the worst things always seem to happen to the best people. I think we’ve talked about this before, and we’re both on the same page that we’d rather deal with the blows and be good people than be bad people.

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By SilentWing on Sep 7, 2011 at 11:58 AM

*BIG hugz* for you since that’s all I can offer over the ‘net, along with my well wishes and consistent prayers for you. I do hope that your bad streak is over though *fingers crossed* and that there are many good things ahead. I’m glad that you enjoyed the pictures, there’s something very calming about clouds like that and a good thunderstorm. It’s like the calm you feel during a nighttime snow storm. Thanks for the well wishes with the job hunt ^.^ I stick to it and check it daily on the weekdays and apply as soon as I can (usually within the first days of the job posting) so I’m keeping my fingers crossed on that too. I’m not sure if the molasses applies to cats, I think I saw some mention of it in the comments, but I’ll give you a link to the website where the information is at at the end of this reply. They have a lot of different information for different pet (and human) ailments. It’s best to sift through the comments because there are a lot of users who say whether or not it worked for them. I’m glad to hear the kitties are doing well ^.^ And I’m so sorry about the feral cats and the outbreaks, and about the kittens too :( It must be so difficult to work around that, which just shows how strong you are. I tend to be really empathetic, especially when it comes to animals, so I think I’d be a constant wreck if I worked in a vet’s office or shelter even though I’d love to work with the animals. If you ever have any trouble tracking a collectible down for a friend, or will be away and not able to fill your own, just let me know. I help Lee out as much as I can too, since she’s so busy with her job. I hope that things get better and better for you. The girls here are enjoying the cooler weather since they can stay outside for longer since I don’t have to keep them in due to heat like I had to in the summer.

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By SilentWing on Sep 7, 2011 at 11:58 AM

Other than that we’re just getting the ‘things to do before winter’ projects done since it’s not very fun to be in the garage once November hits. *Lotsa hugz* for you and your kitties, and I hope Rob is feeling better. Here’s the link I mentioned:

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By Isis1066 on Sep 6, 2011 at 7:43 PM

Good God! I certainly hope that they don't get a run of viral pneumonia where your poor husband works! And with the insane hours and under staffing that you mentioned, the employees are sitting ducks for anything that goes around. My heart sincerely goes out to you both. Strep throat is never nice and I have had several times in my lifetime. Hopefully, your dear hubby will not give it to you -- maybe you should consider some preventative antibiotics yourself?

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By caycehouseofcats on Sep 6, 2011 at 7:22 PM

One last vid:

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