

babies, baby names, parents, parenting, funny twitter, wtf, mom, naming, creative, tiktok

Mom's List of Rejected Baby Names Gets Roasted by Twitter

They're certainly imaginative
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'I never lived it down': 35 Weird and wild secret confessions

'I never lived it down': 35 Weird and wild secret confessions

These folks have secrets — and you can only know them anonymously! Twitter's popular secret confession page , @fesshole, is a prime spot for your average person to confess their darkest secrets. Luckily for the rest of us, we get to take a peek into other people's lives and realize that everyone is hiding some things that we'll never know about otherwise. In this week's selection, one person confessed to being devastated to learn that a colleague was actually just a really polite robot, while a…
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pet ownership dogs twitter wtf pets Twitter Thread Airbnb stupid people greedy dog owners pet owners animals - 20925701

Greedy Airbnb Host Tries To Slap Guest With Dog-Related Fees Despite Allowing Pets

Airbnb hasn't been the most popular company lately. Hosts are notoriously unreasonable, greedy (and sometimes lazy) , and the cleaning fees are exorbitant. It's absurd to see a home listed for $200 a night when the fees actually bring it to twice that. Unfortunately, this is the reality of renting from the company's hosts, and though more people are turning to hotels for their lodging needs, Airbnb remains an important option for large groups, pet owners, and people seeking extended stays. This…
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sandwich, petty, petty revenge, revenge, geoguessr, maps, google maps, nyc, new york, twitter, tiktok, reaction, bagel, food, restaurant

'Do Not Gatekeep': Petty Man Tracks Down Tasty Sandwich That TikToker Refuses to Share Location of, Gets it Named After Him

Next level hating
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facebook, social media, cringe, cringeworthy, cringey, stupid people, crazy people, wtf, facebook posts, facebook messages, why

Wildest Posts From the Depths of Facebook (June 9, 2023)

Hair raising
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twitter, tweets, cringe, cringeworthy, cringey, wtf, why, stupid people, crazy people, funny twitter, funny tweets, twitter thread, bad tweets

Another Abominable Collection of the Worst Tweets of All Time

Awful scenes
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Weekly Internet Roundup: Baby Gronk is the Rizz King, New York Gets Smoked, and Apple Reinvents VR

Also, the two vintage meme legends unite.
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reddit, husband, wife, groceries, food, food bank, wtf, marriage, poverty, rich, aita, crazy people

Rich Husband Gets Slammed for Using Food Banks for Groceries

Evil behavior
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gen x, gen z, mom, sterilization, reincarnation, kids, family, children, babies, toddler, wtf, crazy people, twitter, parenting

Gen X Mom Complains About Being 'Stuck' Having More Kids Because Her Daughter is Getting Sterilized

Someone's gotta help them reincarnate
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hbo, max, hbo max, programming, technology, wtf, funny, tiktok, captcha, test, online, tv

'ChatGPT can solve 100% of these before I can': HBO Max Subscriber Mocks Impossible 'Human Test' Used for Accessing the Service

A robot would find it easier
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tiktoks, tiktok, viral tiktok, social media, crazy people, stupid people, gen z, funny screenshots, screenshot, screenshots

The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (June 6, 2023)

Double take
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twitter, twitter thread, money, job, roasted, opinion, poverty, rich, poor, wtf, salary, wage

'There's levels to poverty': Twitter User Gets Roasted for Claiming That People Making $250k are 'Poor'

Um, what?
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dating, dating fails, wtf, crazy, trauma, first date, relationships, twitter

Traumatized Individuals Share the Weirdest Incidents They've Experienced on Dates

Instant ick
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cringey, cringe, cringeworthy, cringe pics, embarrassing, stupid people, crazy people, wtf, dumb, social media

Fresh Cringeworthy Moments to Cringe at This Week (June 3, 2023)

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video of a turtle pushing a cat and taking the cat's bed | thumbnail includes three pictures of a cat and a turtle sharing the same bed 'I’m just gonna squeeze in here” u/pastebluepaste'

Turtle Hilariously Pushes A Very Confused Cat Out Of Bed, They End Up Chilling Together (Viral Thread And Video)

The first time we've seen anyone muscle out a cat lol
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tiktok, cringe, cringey, cringeworthy, cringe pics, social media, wtf, crazy people, entertaining, screenshots

The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (May 30, 2023)

Clock app shenanigans
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