Kind-Hearted Woman Rescues Puppies From Suitcase And Cares For Them

  • 01

    "I met these pups and their owner last week when I was giving dog supplies to homeless pet owners living in a tent community. This pups were living in a suitcase in one of the tents and I came back that night with milk and bottles and puppy food for momma

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  • 02

    "Thankfully, I have a super forgiving roommate who even helped me bathe them when we got home."

    Screenshot - Today 3:53 PM Don't hate me How many dogs are you bringing home! Lol ase don't hate me Delivered It's ok iMessage
  • 03

    "We can laugh at my situation lol. They’re finally getting enough to eat and.... it’s messy. They’re eating 4-5 cans of puppy food each day."

  • 04

    "In the rescue world, normally they divide bottle puppies up in groups of 2 or 3 so I’m essentially doing the work of 4 volunteer families. (did I mention how awesome my roommate is for helping?) I’ve had little sleep.

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  • 05

    "This is their first night to be warm indoors. They were super snuggly and slept A LOT."

  • 06

    Call me sleep deprived or call me grateful but I cried when these donations arrived today from amazon. I am really stressed on taking on this many pups not knowing what’s next. --

  • 07

    "I decided to name them after successful people who overcame homelessness. This one specifically is Conor McGregor."

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  • 08

    "I first tried bottle feeding all of them but it wasn’t manageable with that and cleaning up messes. I started them on canned puppy food soaked in puppy formula and they’ve LOVED it. --

  • 09

    "This has been a sleepless 24 hours and this was for sure unexpected fostering but I am growing fond of them. They’re only 3-4 weeks old at the moment. They’re so healthy and with that many, it’s impossible to keep them clean

  • 10

    "Update on the puppies I rescued from a suitcase!"

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  • 11

    "Also people were asking, boys or girls? Half and half!"

    Fur - Sir Cirl Girl Boy Girl Boy Boy Boy
  • 12

    "BAD NEWS: my roommate tested positive for he flu and I can’t allow myself to get sick with all these pups depending on me, so... I’m disinfecting the house, wearing gloves and praying none of this gets the dogs sick"

  • 13

    "Sound off: looks like a first awoo Sound on: sounds like a screaming banshee"

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  • 14

    "Good morning puppies. I don’t normally wake up and open a of Pepsi but after waking up 5 different times to feed them last night. I needed the sugar and caffeine, it took 3 to power me through the day."

    Canidae - pepsi
  • 15

    "Special thank you to anyone who sent me cleaning supplies from my amazon wishlist. You’d never guess how messy these puppies can be. Tried to feed them 2 at a time tonight to make sure everyone is getting enough to eat."


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