
People Reveal Their Worst Valentine's Day Stories Ever

  • 1
    Nose - It's coming out of me like lava!

    "On my first Valentine's Day with my fiancé, we tried to go to Cheesecake Factory without a reservation and ended up eating takeout in his car. Later that night, I got food poisoning at his house and spent hours getting sick repeatedly while he tried to clean up after me. We hadn't even been together for 6 months at that point."

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  • 2

    "My now-husband pulled out all the stops making an epic, three-course meal. In the process, he clogged our kitchen sink, also leading to our bathroom sink overflowing. I think he and our landlord stayed up until 1 a.m. trying to fix it and save our hardwood floors from water damage, sadly no romance was on the table that night!"

  • 3
    Photo caption - 17 31 11 WHAT'S THAT STENCH?

    "In college, I wanted to make dinner for my boyfriend and decided on salmon. Someone told me I should poach it, so I did. His apartment ended up reeking of fish (into the hallway) and his roommate was like, 'It smells like fish.' I was pretty much mortified."

  • 4
    Blond - AD FX CULT

    "My long-distance boyfriend dumped me via Skype on Valentine's Day because I had previously had a depressive episode and 'my problems were too difficult for him to deal with.' On top of that, I went to the doctor that day and was diagnosed with a sinus infection, so I had to wait for an antibiotic at CVS where they were playing Taylor Swift love songs and the store was filled with college guys buying last-minute chocolates and teddy bears for their girlfriends."

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  • 5
    Eyebrow - Where is the gun emoji?

    "I was once dumped on Valentine's Day, in a text message, sent from a borrowed cell phone, by a guy who had made a huge deal multiple times about how his mom had always raised him to be a gentleman."

  • 6
    Hair - Happy Valentine's Day, no one!

    "Valentine's Day is also my birthday. The year I turned 21, I spent the day with vertigo because of a double ear infection caused by a sinus infection — and because I was on antibiotics, I couldn't drink. And because it was Valentine's Day, everyone had dates. I hate February 14"

  • 7
    White-collar worker - RED TABLE TALK

    "The actual day was alright… I was in a long-term relationship and I had sent my boyfriend a Valentine's Day care package. A few weeks later, I went to see him (four states away) and I was looking for something under his bed when I saw the package that I had sent, unopened. He lied and said he taped it back together, but it was obvious he just didn't care enough to even open it."

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  • 8

    "My girlfriend just broke up with me on Valentine's Day, via text, and immediately received the 100 dollar bouquet afterward I bought for her".

  • 9
    Eyewear - CINDY CANE CA

    "One time, in middle school, my biggest crush asked me to be his girlfriend. After that, I started sending him cute glitter texts saying how much I loved him and missed him. A few days later, right before Valentine's Day, he told my best friend to tell me he was only pulling a prank on me because he wanted to see what would happen. Life sucked."

  • 10
    Jewellery - They say, it's a broken heart but I hurt in my whole body.

    "I told my best friend I was in love with him on Valentine's Day. He told me he didn't feel the same way about me and said he was secretly in love with our other friend. He kept saying how "hot" she was, which made me feel inferior. Things were rough for a while. I was mad at him for being insensitive when I had literally just poured out my heart to him. I ended up rebounding with some other guy, and my best friend and I stopped speaking for a while. I was heartbroken for a long time."

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  • 11
    Chin - Are you fucking kidding me?

    "Jack and I met on Christmas Eve. Valentine's Day was about seven weeks later, and we were strolling down the street together when I mentioned that it was V-Day and that I was so excited to give him my gift. It was like a lightbulb went off in his head. He hadn't even considered the magnitude of a weekend like that for a girlfriend. A few steps later, he spied a CVS and petitioned me to please wait outside while he ran in. Minutes later, he returned outside with a bag containing a pathetic, small heart-shaped box of CVS chocolates."


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