
#GetInfluenced: International Women's Day Edition

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    Text - i.need.more.attention alo 5k Posts 8,000 Followers 10,000 Following Kelly Blake Delusional Millionaire, Attention Addict, Fashionista * Momtrepreneur, Food lover, Blogger * Complex Vegan - only eat organic * Create content to fill the huge empty void in my soul

    Happy International Women's Day my lovelies — what an honor to be celebrating today with you, as a woman and as an influencer. In my (not so) humble opinion, I excel in both of these categories and following the success of my last post on how to create the perfect Valentine's Day, I have put together my three top tips on how to be the best female powerhouse boss bitch babe you can possibly be.

    Because, in today's day and age, women can and should have it all. You. Are. Welcome!

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    Photo caption - Why does everything happen to me?

    But first, let's talk about Coronavirus because I just can't anymore. My yoga retreat to Bali at the end of the month may have to be canceled and quite frankly, I am fuming. Not only was I depending on it for some 'me-time' to emotionally prepare for 2020, but I have already purchased all of the swimwear for my photoshoots. It's just super frustrating because I am trying to live my best life and I feel like this is karma that I definitely don't deserve. 

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    I also had a little scare myself last week; I was feeling a little under the weather and so I went to the doctor to check if I'd been struck down with Coronavirus and he said to me, "Kelly, it seems like you have influenza". I replied, "Doc, I know I'm an influencer, but what's wrong with me?" He thought I was making a joke, but I didn't get it. Anyway, if I'm a little out of it this weekend on the couch with a new blanket over me, just know that's me influencing you with a new style. #SelfCare.

    @CrateAndBarrel feel free to reach out with a free blanket to help me achieve self-care.

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    Singing - INeed A Moment

    To make matters worse, the company in Northern Italy I use for my bespoke 10-ply toilet paper has gone out of business because nobody is purchasing anything from that region anymore. So I've had to resort to buying supermarket brand toilet paper, which itself is nearly out of stock because of all the pandemonium. I'm at breaking point. It's really difficult to be without my home comforts at a time like this and it seems like the apocalypse is imminent.

    Anyway, hopefully, the yoga retreat will still go ahead because I will quite literally die if it doesn't. If Coronavirus doesn't kill me first, of course. 

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    Dress - HGTV HOTProperties San Diego BOSS GIRL

    But let's talk about International Women's Day and how to be the most fabulous boss bitch babe you can possibly be.can possibly be. I know, I know, I have irrational amounts of confidence which many women find intimidating and so you may find it hard to emulate my incredibly high standards of being a Boss Babe. But if you start small, you'll be amazed at how quickly you can grow. So let's start with my top three tips on how to be the woman who has it all (and more).  

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    Fashion - Citytv love you, myself.

    1.  Be your biggest supporter

    Ladies, in life, the only one who you can always depend on is yourself (unless you're asleep, drunk or in prison). You will never break your own heart (ahem ex-bf), you will never wake yourself up through the night demanding a diaper change (ahem kids) and you will never limit your monthly clothing budget to the point of spiraling into depression (ahem, hubby). Always show up for yourself, always be kind to yourself and always love yourself. It's the best form of self-care there is.  

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    2.  Cut out anyone who doesn't believe in you

    Anyone who isn't happy about your success is a negative influence in your life. Anyone who sends you hate is not helpful for your growth. Keep your circle small and only have people in it who raise you and your standards as high as possible. It may be difficult at first to dim the fakers and squash your haters but once you master it, you will quickly realize how easy it is to live without them.  

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    Hair - remember my nanny?

    3.  Get a nanny

    Honestly, the only way that you can have the job that you want, give yourself the pampering that you need, attend the social events that you can and be there for the kids, is to have a live-in nanny. If you've read my post on New Year's Resolutions, you'll know that picking the right nanny is important, but once you've found her, your life will change. Trust me on that one. And if you can't afford it, then honestly, I don't really know what to suggest.

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    So there you have it. Just remember, you are a powerhouse boss bitch babe and you can have it all. Just follow my tips and I have every faith that you'll get there. Feel free to DM me with any questions you have and, as usual, I am honored to be your role-model.

    Let me know if any of these tips worked for you! See you next time, Kelly xoxo


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