Hey cat lovers. We love us a talkative cat. Cats sure do have a lot to say and they want to make sure that everyone around them hears. They are very vocal, but then again most cats get vocal when they are hungry enough. They are extremely intelligent, highly vocal creatures, so if you make a habit of actually talking to them, it won't take long for them to start answering! This is clearly the case in this adorable video.
Granted, both sides will have a very limited understanding of the conversation; but it can still take place! Although, it must be said that at least three fourths of the feline language seem to translate to various versions of the phrase 'Feed me, dammit!' The kitty cat featured here sure is a talkative boi, we bet he is hungry. His meows slowly morph into mrrps, and hit just about every mewsical note in between. Now somebody give this cat some love and attention, he deserves all of the good things in the world. Yes you do pretty boy, oh yes you do.