
Page Mocks Typical Instagram Users In The Most Savage Way

  • 1
    Text - pictuse of aur hunch I took with a DSLR.camena, and I didn't let anyone stort eating because my food blog is more important than my friends fimally eating after the bongline.

    "Can I stand on your chair to take a shot of the table maybe y'all can hold the utensils to make it look like you're eating or just hold like that yeah just like that"

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  • 2
    Text - a dliché couple picture on top of a mountain, we're out of breath from arguing while hiking all the way to the top...

    "Nowhere else I'd rather be than here with u ??"

  • 3
    Font - an obligatory shot of my starbucks coffee cupin the cup holder of my car because I'm going to be late for work no..

    "Need my fix ??"

  • 4
    Font - I had my mom-takethis picture of me standing under atree while I look away in another direction. it took 20 minutesbecause che Kept wanting me to look directly at the camera.

    "mom: honey you have to look at the camera what are you looking at over there I'm right here"

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  • 5
    Font - a pioture of me nding an acaustic guitanto make it rook likeI Know how to play...

    "Avril Lavigne walked so Billie Eilish could run"

  • 6
    Text - a pictare of all thetraffic infront of me while I'm driving, which is really dangerous but I just wonted you to see it for Some stupid reason...

    "you: "omg I can't believe there's already traffic wtf it's not even rush hour and it's not even thanksgiving yet jc ffs google maps now says it'll take 7 hours because some idiot crashed their car and ways is like oBjEcT iN tHe MiDdLe oF tHe rOad like seriously? I need to pee, let me know if you see a chevron." your car insurance premium:??????"

  • 7
    Font - an obligatory picture of my boarding pass to show that Imgaing to fly somewhere..

    "really out here it's all business baby you already know ??"

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  • 8
    Font - apioture of an open Look and alaptop on a bed, to caption this: "fall vibes

    "fall vibes??"

  • 9
    Font - here's a pichure of my knees because I'msitting in my bathtub with a glass of wine...

    "haven't posted in a while, my horoscope told me I should take some time off to realign myself. you know how it is. anyway I just thought today was too beautiful??????"

  • 10
    Font - an doviously staged shot of an open ma to a mug of coffee on an antique wooden table..

    "$8.50, art magazine: $15, time spent getting the shot right: 10 minutes, meaningful contribution to society: 0"

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  • 11
    Font - a picture of a wooden cutting board with some aMoS chopped vegetaldes an 가to show howheatn ealth Conscious I ameven thaugh my last postis ot a greasy pizzajust Covere ed in raneh...

    "have you ever tried zucchini?"

  • 12
    Font - amirrorseltie ofme in my messy room...

    "You want a Queen? Earn her."

  • 13
    Font - minror selfie at the gym toshow aff myview workout out fit..

    "????????????????????? beastmode ??????????????"

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  • 14
    Font - apicture of my Keto lunch because I juust started a new diet this week...

    "just in case y'all haven't heard me the first time, I'm starting the ketogenic diet from now on. so no more carbs." 

  • 15
    Font - you're only going to Like this post becauseitsa pictuie of anattractive person who is only toying amuoss to get youto buysome essentialoils.

    "Hey hun ???? February is coming up and I'm giving away love-inspiring oils from L'Ass Oil! Use my promo code: CHEMBURN for 15% every order over $99! Remember to use hashtag #lassoil! ????"


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