Kevin Porter Asks Twitter To Roast Ellen Degeneres And Donates Charity In Return

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    He began by talking about kindness, but things took a sudden turn when he started roasting Ellen

    Text - Kevin T. Porter @KevinTPorter Right now we all need a little kindness. You know, like Ellen Degeneres always talks about! She's also notoriously one of the meanest people alive Respond to this with the most insane stories you've heard about Ellen being mean & l'll match every one w/ $2 to @LAFoodBank
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    He decided to put this very important caveat in place before the competition begins

    Text - Kevin T. Porter @KevinTPorter Oh and the caveat is yes they have to be real! Cause we need some REAL kindness right now
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    The stories came in thick and fast

    Danielle Acevedo @daniianita96 Replying to @KevinTPorter and @LAFoodBank When I was 15 @TheEllenShow was doing a contest of fans making a bust of her and sending it to her. I worked so hard on this and even wrote her a letter. Weeks later she used it as a prop in a game and gave it away to a random person with $500 attached to the bottom.
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    Each one shining a not-so-kind spotlight on Ellen

    Text - Chris Farah @ChrisLFarah Replying to @KevinTPorter and @LAFoodBank I worked @RealFoodDaily, served her & Porsha at brunch. She wrote a letter to the owner & complained about my chipped nail polish (not that it was on her plate but just that it was on my hand). I had worked till closing the night before & this was next morn, almost got me fired.
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    It's safe to say not everyone is an Ellen fan

    Text - Aurora of the North @jocastarora · Mar 21 Replying to @KevinTPorter and @LAFoodBank A friend went to the same frou-frou gym as Ellen and Portia for a few months and said Ellen was an absolutely ridiculous entitled spoiled horrorshow who treated staff like shit and constantly yelled at Portia during every workout
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    At first the stories seemed real, but then people started submitting some ridiculous claims

    Text - @ayyDRose Replying to @KevinTPorter and @LAFoodBank My friend waited on her & she threw a plate of salmon in his face bc it wasn't what she ordered
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    Like this one

    Text - Allan Uthman @BeastBuffalo Replying to @KevinTPorter and @LAFoodBank Ellen Degeneres punched my baby in the face over a parking spot
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    And this one

    Text - professora poopypantalones @changryazn Replying to @KevinTPorter and @LAFoodBank One time I saw her at a restaurant in LA, the waiter was serving the table next to her, he bumped into her by accident when putting down their food and she stood up and pushed his head into the bowl of hot soup he had just put down on the table. 2nd degree burns
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    While some saw the funny side of things...

    Text - casey the frog dude @streetfrogradio Replying to @KevinTPorter and @LAFoodBank Ellen killed my cat and had sex with my girlfriend
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    Others didn't and called Kevin Porter out on spreading slander

    Text - PSB @twit_psb Replying to @KevinTPorter and @LAFoodBank As much as I like gossip this thread is ridiculous. Please don't encourage slander even for a good cause.
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    Some of her fans weren't happy with Kevin at all, arguing that this is a time to be united

    Text - Ellen World Wwild @EllenD_world Replying to @KevinTPorter and @LAFoodBank 1. We don't care "if" she is mean in real life or "if" she is pretending kindness, this woman has done more than you and your followers did for this world and humanity, THIS IS THE TIME to be united. We all need to stick together as One Human Race.
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    And berating him for this bad energy

    Text - Ella Neumayer @EllaNeumayer Replying to @KevinTPorter and @LAFoodBank Kevin, this bad energy of yours during this time. Why would you do this? Besides @TheEllenShow does a lot of good and she cares. She probably helped more than you would ever. Turn to less fortunate ppl that she helped and ask them for their stories. The mean one is you.
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    Some even jumped to Ellen's defense, telling stories of her kindness

    Text - Ever Carradine @EverCarradine Replying to @KevinTPorter and @LAFoodBank We have known Portia & Ellen for years. Want a story? She moved mountains so my husband @cobybrownmusic could preform on her show before his cancer treatment. Why don't we flip this thing around and reply with a moment of joy you've felt because Ellen is in this world. #BeKind
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    Kevin, realizing that some of the stories were made up, rounded up the best 300 and ended up donating $600 to LA Food Bank

    Text - Kevin T. Porter @KevinTPorter Well this got out of hand! It's now hard to tell which stories are real or not, so l've rounded up to 300 and donated $600! A Transaction Date: 3/22/20 Amount: $600.00 Honor or Memorial Gift: Yes
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    What an amazing gesture in this difficult time. We're sure Ellen was in on the whole thing from the start...

    Text - Transaction Date: 3/22/20 Amount: $600.00 Honor or Memorial Gift: Yes Honor Gift Type: In Honor of Honoree Title: Ms. Honoree First Name: Ellen Honoree Last Name: DeGeneres Payment type: Credit Card Credit Card ***** Number: First Name: Kevin Last Name: Porter
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    Humor is a difficult balance to strike in these turbulent times, but one thing is for sure... Kevin is right about being truly kind to the most vulnerable right now

    Text - Kevin T. Porter @KevinTPorter If you can, please give to your local food banks because they are slammed right now. And yeah honestly, be kind, especially to those in the most vulnerable positions right now. But be TRULY kind. Don't settle for a cheap imitation.


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