Unlucky Steam Key Scammer Calls Electronics Store

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    Text - r/pettyrevenge u/[deleted] • 3y + Join 1 Unlucky Steam key scammer calls electronics, gets the dumbest employee in the world When I worked at Walmart, I went from cart pusher- >cashier->electronics->security. Sometimes after I switched to security, when electronics was really swamped, I'd help out for a few minutes. One day, the phone was ringing and I was walking by and randomly answered it. Sir Scamalot: "Hello, sir, this is Steam Support services with Valve."
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    Text - Instantly, of course, I know this is a scam. I adore valve and played so many of their games too. I can't believe my luck! Of all the calls to answer! Surprisingly he didn't have some weird accent. Me: "Oh, uh... what can I do for you?" Sir Scamalot: "We've had reports that game keys shipped to your location may have an error that prevents it from authenticating, specifically the game Counter Strike. We need to validate your game keys to see if your affected." [I forget which CS was on sa
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    Text - Sir Scamalot: [obviously happy] "Sure!" So I put Sir Scamalot on hold while I called all the other area stores electronics department and warned them about the scammer and confirmed nobody had taken a call like this earlier. About 15 minutes later, I get back to Scamalot. Me: "Thanks for holding, but I can't find any CD keys. I looked all through the book and the packages." Sir Scamalot: [annoyed] "Well sir, just open any copy of Counter Strike and on the-" Me: "Oh, COUNTER STRIKE! I thou
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    Text - Me: "Ok, I got what you're looking for! What do you need?" Now I make him walk me through how to open the box, including interrogating him for 5 minutes about how to do it without breaking the seal, then pretend I can't find the book, etc etc. Finally, I'm ready to read the code! First, I read him the UPC. This upsets him. Then I read him a part number from something. Now he's livid. Finally, I ask if he means the code on the book that says "game key" and has like groups of four digits wi
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    Text - Me: "No, its. F, U, C, then K like kite. Next four is Y like yesterday. O like owl-" And he swore at me and hung up. EDIT: Spelling, also, thanks for gold! 17.2k 327 1 Share


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