Man Camps Outside Hospital Waiting For Wife To Give Birth, Showing His Love For Her

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    As Shona awaits the birth of her son, Forest, Bob sits outside the hospital displaying his love for her.

    Garden - PROUD PAPA
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    They have been married for three years and date night was something they did all the time anyway...

    Sitting - You ARE BEAUTIFUL
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    So the fact that she is in hospital doesn't change anything for the couple.

    Text - Bob Conlin is with Shona Moeller at AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center Hinsdale. April 15 - Hinsdale, IL, United States 6 I got to visit my favorite patients today. I dropped off lots of good food, bone broth and maybe a bag of jalapeño Cheetos and gummy bears. Love and Healthcare in the time of COVID-19. We're making the best with what we've got. Big Love 595 73 Comments 1 Share
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    Come rain or shine, he is there for her showing his support.

    Snow - You!
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    And she is there waiting for him and loving him back.

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    They have zoom dates all the time.

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    And (future) grandma sometimes joins in too.

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    The love they have is inspirational.

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    And date nights keep things fresh.

    Text - Bob Conlin is with Shona Moeller at AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center Hinsdale. April 18 - Hinsdale, IL, United States 6 Hey All 4 Day 4 in the books 72 to go Another quick visit to drop off some clothes and a fresh batch of bone broth and collagen. We both surprised each other with signs. I love how in sync we are. Especially now. It makes me feel close to Shona. Based on the Reopening of America guidelines and our
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    They eagerly await the birth of baby Forest.

    Text - hope to carry Forest to at least 34 weeks it may look like not getting to physically see or hug my wife for quite awhile. A small price to pay for a healthy momma and baby but damn. Forest's heart rate is good and he's been squirming. Shona's resting and eating well. She is such a strong force in all of this. She truly has held the flag of hope. Thanks for all the love and support. Keep it coming. Grow Forest Grow A Big Love Bob, Shona, and Forest OD 505 72 Comments 3 Shares
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    And can't wait to be parents.

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    They even had a Forest-themed baby shower.

    Text - Bob Conlin is with Shona Moeller and 4 .. others at AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center Hinsdale. May 22 at 5:27 AM Hinsdale, IL, United States THESE NURSES! May 17th was to be Forest's baby shower. Word got out on the unit and the night nurses threw us a Forest themed surprise baby shower tonight. Shona Facetimed me and I lost it. a I think we were all crying.
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    They received excellent care.

    Text - I had a 20-year career in healthcare. Treating the whole person is critical. The body, the mind, the heart, and the soul. These nurses at AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center Hinsdale are angels. Our guardian angels treating the whole of all three of us. We could not be happier with the care and compassion we have been receiving. It makes this so much easier to know that this team is on our team. Phew, this made our night. Forest had a hiccup fest and such exciting heart accelerations ap
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    And are full of love and gratitude.

    Text - SUCH.BIG.LOVE Grow Forest Grow A Stay Forest Stay Big Love Bob, Shona, and Forest A54 634 97 Comments 8 Shares
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    Shona is in excellent hands.

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    And is receiving love from all over the place.

    Text - Shona, Shona Positive thoughts Sonding rayers Fa yar rove and baby Forest. to goa al OuliK. V, Sard Shona, You've joarney has been aming Coatinae bslay shang and elnjny shuna. Of your Journay! keep that MunchKIN GROWING! SENDING thiuchts & PRayers youR jos! Congrabaitors! 5/2010 Shoná Stay Strong.You Keep, Shona Sohappy tobe a part Your kshrttful ssete way! AthleyJ Youve done Such a grat job groung that baby t Stayhg postve ! Lauih. Keep growing that sweet baby! grouing Baly forest ! V Te
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    Hopefully the couple will be reunited in person soon!

    People - MACE


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