
Woman Claims Sexism Is Cause Of Backlash Toward True Crime, Gets Roasted On Twitter


On Wednesday, Twitter user @introvertedwife, a romance novelist named Ellen Mint, posted her theory on why the True Crime genre has been receiving pushback. 

Where do we even begin with this? Let's start with what Mint got right. It is true that how women engage with media has been scrutinized throughout history. 18th-century novels were written intentionally to promote the "correct morals” of the time; people were nervous that if fiction did not reward the virtuous and punish the immoral, young female readers would stray from the path set out for them. It is also true that teenage girls' interests are scrutinized unfairly. People are way too mean about boy bands, and have been for generations. But that's all she's got in terms of good takes. 


Mint's tweet was heavily ratio'd with criticisms of the true crime genre. 

Other women poked holes through the argument that criticizing true crime is inherently sexist. 

The family and friends of victims that have had extensive true crime media produced about their loved ones also spoke out against Mint's tweets,

The morality of true crime is a complicated subject, and the genre is certainly not going away anytime soon. However, just because something is produced and enjoyed by women does not make it inherently feminist or ethical. 


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