
Real Advice From The 1950s On Finding A Husband: Vacation Wisely

  • These tips are 100% real!

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    It seems so; a magazine article titled '129 Ways to Get a Husband' was discovered in a 1958 edition of American magazine McCall's. In what seems to be an attempt to help its readers find a husband, it lists 129 bizarre, sexist, and possibly politically incorrect tips to point them in the right direction. I've decided to look into each one to see if they would work today and whether or not things have really changed all that much over the past 62 years when it comes to dating. Welcome to your weekly tip on 'How To Find A Husband: 1950s Style'. Here's Tip #8. 

  • "Take several short vacations at different places rather than one long one at one place"


    Seems simple enough, right?

  • Turn your holiday fling into the real thing


    Finding a husband while on vacation kind of makes sense...

  • First off, travelling solo is an incredible thing to do


    They say that travel broadens the mind and they are right. But solo traveling is a whole different ballgame and can lead to a world of opportunities and experiences you just don't get while traveling with someone else. 

  • It's a time to get to know yourself

    Sitting - Kichl's SINCE 1aSI

    When you travel alone, you spend quality time with yourself. This alone will promote self-growth, as you experience different cultures and places that you have a personal interest in. Once the husband and kids come along (here's hoping), you will always have to vacation with someone else's preferences in mind. This is the time for you to do you!

  • Your itinerary is yours to do with as you please

    People in nature

    Ride a bike. Climb a mountain. Sit on the beach. Drink wine. Eat different types of local food. Go to museums, visit beautiful scenery, talk to other travelers. You can literally do anything you want. And that includes meeting new people...

  • It forces you to meet new people

    Sky - (wHe I'm just a traveller.

    Being a solo traveler means that you will be forced to speak to new people, whether it's other travelers or locals. Everyone needs human interaction, especially when it comes to visiting a new place. And your husband could be waiting just around the corner at the next bar, hostel or sun lounger...

  • People are open to spontaneous romances


    Vacation is a time for people to unwind. You automatically have a much more open-minded attitude and are willing to speak to people you wouldn't normally converse with at home. Connections and chemistry form a lot quicker in a far-off land, allowing you to bond while tuning out all the cr*p of your everyday life back home.

  • Each location provides its own opportunity


    Depending on the location you vacation in, there are so many ways to meet new people. If you're somewhere hot, you can meet a man at the beach and strike up a conversation. One minute you're lying in the sun, talking to a handsome stranger, next thing you know, he's seeing your tan lines in places he shouldn't be seeing them. If you catch my drift.

  • Is there anything more romantic than watching the sunset on the beach with a hot man?

    HBO girls couple kissing on the beach

    I mean... no. Literally nothing.


  • Literally any climate works


    Winter sports are a great way to meet someone and bond. It also takes the pressure off going on actual dates—it's the perfect opportunity to hang with someone all day, get to know them, and let things get romantic on their own. 

  • Holiday romances are HOT

    couple kissing in front of fairy lights

    Everyone knows it. Everyone wants it. 

  • It doesn't just have to be a holiday fling

    marriage wedding man putting a ring on a woman's finger

    Ultimately, everyone wants their holiday fling to last. If you are able to turn a holiday romance into the real deal, then you've hit the jackpot. And when you have your wedding on the same beach where your romance started... well then. I applaud you, sister.

    So finding a husband on vacation gets a big fat yes from me. Tune in next week, for tip number 9 on how to find a husband, 1950s style.


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