The dating world is, simply put, the wild wild west. You may think you've figured it out, that you've somehow cracked the code and now you know exactly how to avoid all the weirdos… But life is not that simple, darling. Weirdos are everywhere, and sometimes they just happen to have very convincing hinge profiles that show otherwise.
So, what are we meant to do? Stay in our lane. Avoid strangers at all costs? It's hard to say.
Statistically speaking, the more dates you go on, the better chances you have at finding someone who is the perfect amount of weird for you. But We can't guarantee that that spark will take place with person number 3 or person number 300.
This is love we're speaking about people, if there was a formula, don't you think we'd all be on it?
But still, that is all being said. There is one thing we can definitely guarantee in this unpredictable world. The more dates you go on, the more people you meet, and the crazier stories you'll have to share.
You may not be able to be that girl chilin' in a stable relationship, but you can most definitely be that girl with the craziest nightmare date story, and we would wager that she is much more fun to be around.
So, without further ado…
Meet Emily

Emily, or @emily.the.recruiter on TikTok, is known for many things. She is a recruiter, an entrepreneur, and an opinionated queen. But most importantly, she is a baller storyteller. And boy does she have some pretty tragic date stories to tell.
Here is her most recent horror story.
Let's Watch
Ah, a classic insecure person trying to bring himself up by talking down to a woman.
How did Emily not fall head over heels? We will never know.
Interested in hearing more terrible date stories from Ms. Emily? Well, look no further, we got you.
Bad Date Number 2
Bad Date Number 3
Like what you see? Find more hilarious women's memes and crazy stories on our Instagram @Cheezcake_Humor and more videos on our TikTok @cheezcaked