Girl Keeps Giving This Poor Guy's Number Out to Thirsty Dudes, But He's Handling the Situation Beautifully

  • 01
    Text - 3 24% oo Verizon 5:52 PM Messages (1) Details Hey babe. I been thinking about you all day. I didn't want to seem too eager so I waited to text. Had a great time meeting you last night. What? Who is this? You didn't save my number? It's Ben. We met last night and had drinks. This is Brandy right? Oh! Oh! Ben! I'm so sorry. I was too drunk to store numbers. OMG I'm so glad you texted me! My panties are soaking wet right now. Oh really? That is so sexy! What do you want to do about it? Mmmm.
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  • 02
    Text - oo Verizon 23% 11:11 AM Messages (1) Details Good morning, Brandy! How are you this morning beautiful? Hi there!!! Forgive me, I was so wasted last night I didn't store this number. Who is this? It's Kevin. We met at Buffalo Wild Wings last night. I had on the red hat. Oh duh! Of course I remember you silly. Had a long night after I left. Oh? What did you do?;) Oh my friend Stoney and I went over to my friend Buckles. We did a hot load of mescaline in a tumbler of ether with a float of Pe
  • 03
    Text - 40% oo Verizon 7:28 PM Messages (1) Details Today 7:15 PM Hey Brandy, it's Mike from BWw last night. I haven't heard from you today. Are you still meeting up with us? OMG, sweety, yes! I'm not a fibber, silly! What time? Around 8:00 Ok that should be fun! Are we going to your place after for...dessert maybe? That'd be nice. What did you have in mind? It's whatever you want babe. Just no butt stuff. I ate a huge burrito for lunch and I have been shitting fire! Every time I fart something s
  • 04
    Text - 45% oo Verizon 12:11 PM Messages Details Hey Bran you Ift so eaarlly this mourning. U k? Omg. My name Brandy. AndI don't know what you are saying. Can you even English real good? LMaO. I'm sorry, BRANDY. I must still be drunk. Did we have sex? Seriously? You don't remember? Wow. Well. I'll just say this. I left early to go get some Plan B and every pharmacy is out of it so l went to the ER and I'm 12 hours pregnant so now what? Delivered Oh wow. I'll help take care of the baby of course.


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