Wholesome Moments Where Complete Strangers Had Each Other's Backs

  • 01

    "To the person who noticed my open sunroof during a thunderstorm... I thank you with all my heart for your random act of kindness."

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  • 02

    "To whoever the beautiful soul is that put a trash bag over my open window in the rain: I offer you a very sincere thank you!"

    Hand - 234 Left ypur windoy down ban there thought I would tryto halp
  • 03

    "Random bit of kindness I found in a redbox"

    Minidisc - Snacks on Me Enjoy WVDE IM NEV PRESS TO CLOSE redbox. THE "ATION G THIS FOR ALL D E 6 6028L 64853 T thri DISC LABEL SHOULD FACE THIS WAY PRESS TO CLOSE WO62250 2014 Bppietion, LLC. All Rights feoerve
  • 04

    "Still some good people left in this world."

    Text - You do not know me but I saw that you needed some tires for your truck and I wanted to do something nice for a stranger because one day a stranger did the same for me. The receipt is in the envelope and all you have to do is go by Warehouse Tire on 3rd Street and ask for Steven Hodges and they will be put them on for free. All I ask is that one day you do something nice for a complete stranger. So 00 o 9 Warehouse 301 Hackney Av Telephc Date No. Reg. No. Cle 10 11 7-Day warranty 12 on all
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  • 05

    "Saw an elderly man make a move and patiently wait for another player. An unlikely partner appeared and warmed my heart."

    Indoor games and sports
  • 06

    "I made a new friend today while waiting for the post office to open after lunch. Meet Beverly."

    Text - is in O Charlton, Massachusetts. ... 2 hrs Instagram - Sitting in my car in front of the post office waiting 10 minutes because they're closed for lunch. This woman tried to go in, and l let her know they were closed for another 10 minutes. She started chatting, and I jokingly said "hop in, let's go for a spin to kill the 10 minute wait." She did. Friends, meet Beverly. O Like Comment A Share
  • 07

    "The manager of the cleaning company we use had a wholesome reaction when I accidentally sent her a text meant for my wife."

    Text - 00000 Telstra ? 8:46 pm 1 * 46% | A Today 7.32pm Hi! Your regular cleaner off tmro - is can I send another great cleaner but on Thursday this week? iMessage That would be fine Any idea what time? what wd 1 or 1-5.30? Between 8.30-1 would be great sure; easily done. Thanks Your dinner is here baby girl Haha, sorry wrong person Delivered !I get I love these sort of texts more than most people I think; it's usually (as in this case) such a lovely glimpse into other people lives! Thankyou. iM
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  • 08

    A Penguin’s Successful Hunt

    Text - Today, my next door pregnant neighbor knocked on my door. Around 7 pm today, I heard some knocking on my door. I opened it and it was my next door pregnant neighbor (she was, I think, in her 7th or 8th month). She was holding a small plate in her hand. In a very shy voice, she asked me if I can give her some of what ever I was cooking because she liked the smell. I think pregnant women sometimes have strong cravings and they can not resist it. Anyway, She was shy and apologized a lot for
  • 09
    Text - Brendan Scanlan @BernardScrambls Just drove past a little boy with a lemonade stand. I wasn't going to stop but he looked at me and deadass started miming himself throwing a lasso at my car and pulling me in. I didn't have a choice, it's a lawless land out here in the West but now I have lemonade
  • 10

    Helping a kid get to school...

    Brian Smith 16 hrs · O Young kid Banging on the door I wake up Like WTF! I open it like What up Lil homie (i've never seen him Before)... He said I MISSED THE BUS & NO ONE WILL TAKE ME TO SCHOOL IVE KNOCKED ON 3 DOORS.... my response SAY NO MORE FAM... DIDNT EVEN BRUSH MY TEETH just grabbed my keys Slipped on my Foams... GO GET THAT EDUCATION YOUNG BROTHA!!! 100 100 THIS IS WHAT A BIG HOMIE DOES FOR YOUNG BROTHAS... #RealOG #TheYouthTheFuture
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  • 11

    “Absolutely Have Fun!”

    Text - I tried to Knock on your door a few times, C could you please put this bach in mailboxi! Thanks my so00 much!" Dear neighbor, My name is Emma and I live across the street at l659. Would it be ok if I shot some hoops on your, b-ball hoop after school Some days? Yes (X No comments: ABsOLury Have FoN!
  • 12

    "A stranger helping out another stranger struggling with his tie."

  • 13

    "I nearly deleted my late grandmother’s texts by turning on the delete texts from over a year ago . I sent a message to her phone to make sure they wouldn’t be deleted, and the person who got her phone number replied."

    Text - ll AT&T ? VPN 9:55 PM 78% Mommom Hey mommom. I know you can't hear this, but I miss you so much. I know you can't read this, but it's just so hard without you. Hard to believe it's already been 9 months since you died. turned 18 today. We all had fun, but we still wished you and daddad were still here to enjoy it with us. I'm sorry if this number has been recycled already. I just miss her so much. Delivered May god continue to comfort you and your family. Send a text message whenever you


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