I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Cancer Survivor's 'Wish' For A Puppy Comes True

  • Dog

    As Fox13 reports, Andrew "received a mini-Goldendoodle on Sunday after he recently completed chemotherapy for a cancerous brain tumor." They write that he is a big fan of "Paw Patrol" and that the show is what made him wish for a puppy. And his wish came true. He now has a fluffy new best friend, a mini-Goldendoodle puppy, to cherish and play with. 

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  • Dog - Make AWish. CREDIT:Make-A-Wish Southern Florida ake 4Wish SOUTHERN FLORIDA CDFO

    The puppy, unexpectedly, was given to him by another young cancer patient. Kinsely Peacock is a six-year-old cancer survivor herself. She's gone through a lot, having "lost an eye to the disease," but now that she's healthy, she has made it her mission to encourage others like her and help them get through their own difficult experiences. "Make-A-Wish's Southern Florida chapter believes this is the first time in its history that a previous wish recipient, that is still a child, sponsored a wish experience," write Fox13, and this is definitely the most heartfelt story we've heard today.

  • Child - CREDIT:MakeAWIsh Southern rionda Make AWish. Da.wish.org

    The sponsorship of this 'wish' doesn't just grant Andrew his new puppy. It also covers the expenses of many of the dog's needs. That includes "a crate, bed, supplies and vet care," making it easier for the family to financially get through this time as well. And all of this through Kinsely's own nonprofit that's called "Kinsely's Cookie Cart".

  • Leg - Make AWish. CREDIT:Make-A-Wish Southern Florida Make SOUTMERN

    Now that this boy's 'wish' has come true, we would like to make our own wish for the boy to get through this difficult time as quickly as possible and be healthy and happy with his new puppy. We also wish for Kinsely's nonprofit to keep growing and for her to continue spreading the heartwarming joy that she is spreading now. And if you're interested in another perfect pair, here's a story about a boy with a cleft lip getting a puppy with a cleft lip too. 

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  • Dog - CREDIT:Make-A-Wish Southern Florida Make AWish. ake AWis Nak Make We
  • Dog - CREDIT:Make-A-Wish Southern Florida Make AWish.
  • Dog - CREDIT:Make-A-Wish Southern Florida Make AWish


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