If you thought sexism wasn't still a genuine problem, think again. In a recent trend on TikTok, women are sharing their most "blatantly sexist" encounters, and the stories are shockingly heartbreaking. The trend started when TikToker @mandyalise uploaded a video recounting a frustrating experience she had while shopping with her soon-to-be-husband. She prefaced her rant by asking, "Ladies, what's the most blatantly sexist thing a man has said to you? I'll go first."
She explained how the pair were shopping for some "fancy new shirts" for her fiance. At the checkout desk, the male employee who served them provided crucial care instructions for the garments. "As he's scanning them, he's saying, 'Make sure you take good care of these. Make sure you wash them in cold water. Make sure you hang them to try and make sure you iron them. And who was that man looking at when he was explaining these washing instructions? Not my fiancé. He was looking at me."
The video has since been viewed 756k times and received almost 8k comments. Women from all over the world began sharing their own sexist encounters, which are truly heartbreaking. Here are some of those shocking revelations.
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