Animal Comedy Newsletter

Pet Store Employees Cannot Stop Laughing at the Things This Parrot Says to Them While They're Trying to Groom Another Bird


Kids might say the darnedest things, but have you ever had a conversation with a bird? There are many different types of bird species that have picked up on some human words, but parrots are the most well known. 


A full service pet store/boarding facility in Pennsylvania is going viral on TikTok currently because of one little feathery customer. His name is Paco and he is a very talkative little parrot. He was brought in for grooming services and the things he was saying and the noises he was making threw the employees into a full-blown laugh attack. 


Paco pt. 1


It takes two employees to groom a bird, one to gently hold the bird in a towel and another to trim the proper feathers and claws. The employees brought Paco into the grooming room still in his carrier while the worked on grooming another bird. However, the two employees were struggling because Paco was cracking them up. Paco was laughing, asking them if they wanted to take a bath with him, and saying “Hi baaaaabyyyyy” very adorably and sometimes even seductively.  


Paco pt. 2

Paco pt. 3


Even when they take Paco out of the carrier and he kind of swings under the employees hand by accident, Paco says “it's alright it's alright." As if he fully understood the situation. He seemed to love making his new friends laugh and kept repeating himself over and over again. Whether it was his infectious laughter or silly sayings, these employees were completely defeated. 


One viewer said that they could tell this bird is from a home that surrounds him in laughter and love just by the way he talks to these pet store employees. Many are begging for the owners to make Paco his own TikTok page or to at least have them introduced on the pet store's profile. People are trying to figure out what his family must look like. With all that laughter and cute talk, people are thinking just a happy young couple. But he is also very understanding and sweet, so maybe an old couple? The Internet needs to know why Paco is such a cutie!!


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