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Nothing's worse than dealing with an entitled cheapskate customer who thinks that they can just go ahead and scam a hard working restaurant for free food and drinks by complaining about said food and drinks, eating/drinking said food/drinks, and then getting more right thereafter. That just isn't how the world works. Sometimes folks need the wakeup call. In this case the watchful bartender decided to intervene and serve up a belligerent Karen customer some non-alcoholic revenge. Tastes pretty dang sweet.
This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/dearghewls, who opened up about their clever bartending tricks. This story reminds us of those studies where people are served non-alcoholic drinks, are told they're alcoholic, and then they proceed to start acting drunk despite the fact that all they've consumed is fruit punch. With this infuriating Karen, it's quite clear that she just wanted to get free drinks and make a fuss while doing it. One has to wonder if she ever figured out the truth. Keep scrolling below for the full story!
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