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Sometimes we find ourselves in awkward situations, especially when it's over a finite resource like parking. There are plenty of times handicapped parking spot hogs need to be taught a lesson, but this situation has a more complex backstory than some rando just illegally occupying a handicapped parking space at the store. The most important thing to do in these situations is to take a step back and think "why am I in this situation?" In this case, it seems like the apartment manager may be the one to blame for all this madness.
This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/itsmyparkingspot, whose story serves as yet another example of an apartment manager's negligence and lack of accountability. It's actually wild that the two people being pitted against one another in this situation are two tenants when the reality is, if they united against the apartment manager, they would both have a far greater likelihood of getting what they were promised. May this apartment manager join the ranks of countless others who stand by while their tenants suffer. When will this vicious cycle end?
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