As women, it is important that we all remain on the same page. It's 2022, none of us should put up with misogynistic men anymore. Toxic masculinity is so out, shaving our heads is in. Really just doing whatever the F you want is what's in these days. Pierce your nipples, kiss your best friend, foster a dog, reinvent your style, grow out your armpit hair. It is simply time to go off queens.
It's amazing how far the world has come in terms of feminism. I feel that girls are actually becoming nicer to each other, but that may just be because I work in an office with 80% women. You can let me know if you relate to this at all, I may have made it up. But I think one thing we can all agree on is that it is always entertaining to hear women say no to misogyny.
Say it louder for the boys in the back! They need to hear it! Come on radical feminists, let's normalize basic skills for all genders. Doesn't that sound crazy? Imagine a world where your mom plays catch with you while your dad cooks dinner? Wow, this sounds more than radical, it's pure insanity!
If you've ever thought that it's crazy how basically all dress code guidelines are directed towards women, you're not alone. It's so blatantly misogynistic it hurts. It also messes with girls and teaches them from way too young of an age that their bodies are sexualized in all settings. So annoying.
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