Funny Twitter Thread Reveals The Stupidity of Horny Guys in Horror Movies

  • 01
    Font - Juliet Bennett Rylah @JBRylah ... Men in horror movies are always like wow, a sexy lady just emerged from the woods/bog/cave/lake etc. and wants to kiss me? Nothing suspicious about this! 11:05 PM · Feb 23, 2021 · Twitter Web App
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  • 02
    Product - Juliet Bennett Rylah o @JBRylah - Feb 23 For example, I just read a comic where a dude has sex with a woman who just happens to be in a spooky cave. Okay. Today, I had a movie on where a man who is already trapped in a haunted escape room just goes with it when a woman crawls out of a lake and starts groping him. ... 68 27 232 3.9K Juliet Bennett Rylah @JBRylah - Feb 23 ... It.isn't going well for them. O 18 27 81 2.5K
  • 03
    Water - Juliet Bennett Rylah @JBRylah Replying to @JBRylah This woman just emerged from this lake, slowly rising from the crown of her head. She said nothing. No explanation for why she's there or, more importantly, why there is A MEADOW WITH A LAKE inside AN ESCAPE ROOM in A SMALL TOWN. This guy is just like, 'cool.'
  • 04
    Rectangle - Juliet Bennett Rylah o @JBRylah · Feb 24 Species: Dude walks into his hotel room to find a woman there, who claims she stole the key to his room because she saw him in the lobby and thought he was hot. HE FINDS NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS SCENARIO. SPOILER: HE DIES. O 25 27 228 3.5K
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    Photograph - Juliet Bennett Rylah o @JBRylah - Feb 24 In the Gecko brothers' defense, while many things should have seemed odd about the Titty Twister, I get it. 42 17 295 3.5K
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    Chin - Juliet Bennett Rylah o @JBRylah - Feb 24 Hello, sexy lady in an alley. What could go wrong? Certainly, you wouldn't turn me into a vampire. O 27 17 180 2.8K
  • 07
    Photograph - Juliet Bennett Rylah @JBRylah ... Replying to @JBRylah She's never expressed an interest in me before but I guess now is the time to follow her to an abandoned house even though she's acting suuuuper weird. 4:10 AM - Feb 24, 2021 · Twitter Web App 328 Retweets 110 Quote Tweets 4,781 Likes
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  • 08
    Product - Juliet Bennett Rylah @JBRylah ... Replying to @JBRylah Did the doctor ressurrect Julia Cotton without any skin by sacrificing a patient to a bloody mattress? Yes. Does she need to eat people to grow flesh? Yes. Will he follow her to Hell anyhow? .yes. 5:05 AM - Feb 24, 2021 - Twitter for Android 92 Retweets 12 Quote Tweets 2,078 Likes
  • 09
    Forehead - Juliet Bennett Rylah @JBRylah Replying to @JBRylah Laurie from Trick r Treat with the reverse psychology. Good for her.
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    Facial expression - Juliet Bennett Rylah @JBRylah Replying to @JBRylah Just two ordinary teens you should definitely invite into your home while your wife and kids are out of town. 6:43 PM - Feb 24, 2021 - Twitter for Android 111 Retweets 61 Quote Tweets 2,172 Likes
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    Product - Juliet Bennett Rylah @JBRylah Replying to @JBRylah A beautiful woman wants to go home with you from a bar. Chances are she's probably not a many-tailed fox monster who feeds on horny dudes, right? I mean, the odds.. 3:32 AM - Feb 26 , 2021 - Twitter Web App
  • 12
    Product - Juliet Bennett Rylah @JBRylah Replying to @JBRylah I didn't initially include this one because someone else mentioned it right away, but for the sake of thread: JACK, WHY WOULD A RANDOM NUDE WOMAN WHO WANTS TO KISS YOU BE IN THIS HAUNTED BATHTUB? 3:36 AM - Feb 26, 2021 - Twitter Web App 56 Retweets 7 Quote Tweets 1,196 Likes


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