When it comes to ways of trying to drink in secret, there are varying degrees of stupidity. Unfortunately, many methods veer towards the extremely dumb end of the scale, as one viral video has recently proved.
Sullying the name of Mets fans everywhere, eyebrows have been raised at somebody's attempt to pull off a clumsy smuggling operation at Citi Field. Amping that 'sneaking snacks into a movie theater' anxiety up to 11, the video shows a man carrying multiple cans under his shirt. Despite being questioned, he walks straight to the security gates before the ruse is up and the drinks fall onto the ground.
Twitter users were baffled by this lack of strategy, but it didn't stop them from showing respect for the effort. There was also speculation that the video was a set up to advertise the brand of alcoholic seltzer he was carrying. Whatever the man's reasoning, he reminds us of a valuable lesson: inside pockets are your best friend.