
People Reveal The Brutal Breakups That Left Them Totally Baffled

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    Rectangle - taratheandroidvevo · 4d Someone I was really into said she "needed to be single right now" then started dating someone long-term a month later. I feel like she wasn't being honest about why she actually wanted to break up and it still bugs me sometimes
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    Font - Medical_Focus5534 · 4d the ex wife says I was cheating on her for the past 2 years, turns out she was for 3. Never mind she was a life coach and told everyone she was cheating on me.
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    Rectangle - Chubums · 4d I worked late nights and would regularly not be to bed until 4-5am. She called me at about 8:30am and just said "I don't think this is working." I then, hardly able to process what was happening, mumbled something like "Oh ok." Then promptly fell back asleep. She never complained about how things were before that so i still don't really know what happened. I have a few ideas but never got any real closure
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    Purple - Orpheus-is-a-Lyre · 4d · edited 4d Oof he used to tell me he didn't want to drive to my house because it was too far away (15mins) but would regularly drive a full hour along the cost to see his female friend. Two weeks after we broke up, they were dating. I'm a clown for being surprised, but I was young. Bonus points: he gave me an STI that my gynecologist told me could ONLY come from him cheating. I didn't believe it. I was a CLOWN I TELL YA
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    Rectangle - jdoghenderson 4d I was with a girl who I was dating for 5 years, I came home one day and she ended it without a real explanation. There weren't any warning signs either. She said there was a possibility of getting back together so she basically left me on the hook. She texts me every couple of months to check in and see how I'm doing as if we're friends. It's very confusing and frustrating
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    Font - CawsTylluan · 4d My first real relationship ended out of nowhere. I was completely blindsided, I thought things were good. He told me he didn't feel the same way about me, that he didn't love me and never would. It absolutely devastated me. I didn't really trust anyone for a long time because I was always half expecting things to end. Over twenty years later, the guy that broke my heart looked me up on Facebook and messaged me, apologising for his behaviour and telling me that he was scar
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    Rectangle - hi-i-am-new-here · 4d Someone broke up with me in the middle of a lake on a paddle board. "I don't think it's working right now". Why would you wait until you're in the middle of the lake on a two person paddle board.
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    Rectangle - ggapsfface · 4d I had someone break up with me while we were still in bed on a Sunday morning. After we had sex, of course. So totally classy.
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    Font - tinterrobangg - 4d It's 2012 Me and my high school boyfriend are riding the subway home; 4 stops away from my stop and were sharing his headphones and jamming to music and then he plays "end of the road" by Boyz II Men and then when the song ends says "this is how I feel about us." At first I thought he was joking. He was not. Proceed to the worst 20 mins of my life, while here I am trying not to burst into tears while he keeps playing more breakup songs that relate to our relationship. I
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    Purple - chuck-u_farley · 4d Fiance left me to "be young and have fun" cause "how do I know you're the right one"? [read: if I don't go fi ck other guys, including your old college friends]. Lost an apartment, $2000 on a hall deposit, got in a car accident the next day, and then became a functional alcoholic for like 5 years.
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    Font - Amelsander 4d She broke up with me when i was working a job i took to sustain her lack of work ethics. She always had something why she could not work, turns out f.cking another dude while i was at work was most of the reason. She broke up over text while i was at work and she cleaned out the apartment and nicked for over 20k euro worth in stuff.


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